
I’m almost 100% certain that it’s the guy I’ve circled there, the same guy the dude who edited the video circled. Just to give a clearer image of the jackass.

Good to see the Cardinal Numbers series didn’t drive all of the Cards fans away from Deadspin after all.

It’s the comparing people with PTSD to people who went through the same thing but “were strong and could handle it” that makes it fucked up. Had he not done that? I hate the dude but I’d have to give him credit. It’s like he’s trying but he just keeps tripping over his own dumbassery.

I’m guessing he was trying to thread the needle of calling this group of people (in front of him) strong and courageous while also talking about the horrors of PTSD. Unfortunately (for him), since he can barely speak English, this is what we end up with.

Here you go: Roundabout 01:16.

it was his word salad when trying to sound compassionate for soldiers. he still thinks the ones who commit suicide are weak and just can’t handle it.

He doesn’t think what he did was rape. His victim failed to say no hard enough, so it was acceptable for him to keep pushing her. It’s what men do! Whereas a slave being raped by owners is awful and horrible and deserves total condemnation.

Parker is trying real hard to ensure that no woman wants to go see his film. Smashing job, idiot.

I don’t trust the character of someone who apparently feels no guilt about his part in a night that led to someone’s suffering and suicide. I can’t imagine doing anything that led to such an outcome and then not feeling guilty about it, whether my actions were deplorable or completely innocuous.

Have you guys learned nothing from past declarations made this early in the season? Literally anything could happen between now and the end of the campaign. Just one injury to, say, Coutinho and Liverpool could falter immensely.

Just because he’s too stupid to know how to tie a noose doesn’t mean that isn’t exactly what he intended the rope to represent. Anyone with a cursory understanding of the history of lynching in the south knows what he was implying with that rope.

This kid is a tragedy. If he is a freshman, I am guessing he is 18 or 19. His family/ community must have really worked on him to teach him that something like this was a good idea.

Intimidation is exactly what this person was engaged in. You don’t have to physically be putting your hand over people’s mouth to prevent their exercise of free speech.

I keep thinking to myself, “oh, there’s no way that people can display any worse behavior than what has already been displayed in this election cycle. Nothing shocks me anymore. We have reached peak Asshole Behavior.”

It’s not hard to see at all. There is a law where you can’t intimidate people from using their free speech by wearing masks. End of discussion.

So many Americans are proud of being absolute pieces of shit. I truly hope this incident follows the fuckhead around forever and for fuck’s sake get him out of Public Safety. He clearly doesn’t give a fuck.

So this asshole is studying for a career in Law Enforcement?

Well if you’d come here 15-20 years ago and were in the neighborhood where this bookstore is located you would have seen quite a few more. Alas, they have mostly been priced out to the suburbs now.

i mean they arent wrong that the show is like 100% white