
Parents can do strange, awful things unfortunately. Another fact I’ve always found interesting (because of criminology/profiling) is that the body was covered in a special white blanket and things were wiped down - showed with care. Listen to the Generation Why podcast episode with James Kolar and he talks about all

It must suck if he wasn’t involved at all and he’s being labeled as a murderer all these years. You can tell by his behavior in the Dr. Phil interview that it’s taken a toll on him - just by his smiling and lack of eye contact alone. 

It was never solved thanks to the investigators doing such a poor job and IMO the family staging a lot of the scene/cooperation. And stuff like John moving the body. It just seemed like a circus from the start.

Having watched this and read about all of the other facts through the years (a few good podcasts as well) I just don’t think the intruder angle works. Especially the ransom note. I think Patsy took it to her grave tbh. The murder seemed like a cover up and the scene itself was staged. Perhaps Burke did something and

Who knows if the source is accurate but it’s super suspect if it’s true that Angelina didn’t like the way Brad treated their children.

Angelina Jolie continues to be selfless and charitable by taking us away from Trump for a little bit.

Agree. If Rooney had the mentality/drive of Ronaldo - especially early in his career even at Everton I think this conversation wouldn’t be happening. I remember what Clegg said about Rooney hating the gym but Ronaldo would do anything to better himself.

I appreciate what he’s done for United in the past but at this point he’s a black hole who sucks in everyone around him. Misplaced passes, poor first touch, slow pace, slows down the attack, lazy when tracking back. Moyes, LvG and now Mourinho. It’s as if Rooney casts some spell over managers. Have to wonder what

Delete this. I’m embarrassed for y’all.

It sounds unfinished and like a demo. Which is weird considering it’s been 3 years.

People can feel how they want to feel and PoC still have a right to peaceful protest, imagine that. Log off and try again.

I found it hard to get through this reunion because somehow Bethenny is even more miserable and insufferable vs when she’s on the actual show.

Aww did the protest make you feel uncomfortable? Next time black people better ask if you’re ok with it first before protesting.

Lynch has always been a dumbass. I shouldn’t even be surprised.

HDU. The 4th place trophy and CL floppage is an Arsenal tradition!

It’s fine. Nobody will care about your death either.

Shhh. You better not find out about the many athletes in women’s sports who give up years in their prime because they want to start a family and have to decide.

It’s like a battle to see who can come off as the most insufferable.

Ahhh. Hilton. Delevingne. The holy trinity of nepotism.

Kelly and her husband give me the creeps.

Never one for violence but any time I see Owen Labrie’s smarmy, twerp face I want to knock his ass out.