
@Showmeyomoves!: bravo good sir, bravo. I wonder how many kids these days get to see fantasia.

oh man i had one of these toys as a kid and i absolutely loved it. I broke the hell out of the cycle though so i had to hold it all together w/ tape. Just seeing that pic brought back fond memories thanks kotaku :-)

@AncientUnknown1: heh i actually have it set so everyone is auto-muted unless they're on my friends list. Mostly because MW2 doesn't allow for private party chat.

@Laronvas: absolutely. When i played the beta the only things i heard were 'WHY WON'T SOMEONE FUCKING HEAL/REVIVE ME' and 'wow this game needs a lot of fucking work.' Granted i only played 3 rounds. It wasn't even worth getting my PS3 mic off the mantle where it's collecting dust.

@Calijoefornia: you are the parent. You cut up their fucking mic cable. I'm sick of how much of pussies our society has made parents.

@azzygoh: i was just trying to guess a low figure for the hours worked. I actually have no idea what testers get paid, but i live in the DC metro area which is very expensive. So 30-40 wouldn't go far.

@hatmantc: THIS! It absolutely drives me crazy how much love Teebow gets when i see his damn throwing motion. Boy is going to get stripped left and right in the NFL. His size and speed might have dominated college but in the NFL it's nothing.

yeah..... i don't know if my dream job is working 10 - 12 hour days for like 30 - 40k/year.

@PhatsMahoney: That's a cool idea. Make it like Madden where you can choose weather effects, time of day, etc.

@RockyRan: Same here. Also, why does it take so damn long? My 360 updates pretty damn fast even when it's a MAJOR update like NXE. Actually the rampant installing in general annoys me on the PS3. "ooh i've finally downloaded that 1 gig demo... now i have to spend another 10 mins intalling it???"

Looks like it might actually be interesting. A cross between team fortress and smash tv?

@Goobyman: I'd put rumsfeld, wolfowitz, or rove in blair's place. Yes, i refuse to capitalize all of their names.

@Gortexfogg: I think there was a flash game with a similar idea. Yep, it was called last stand

@4sparta: two words for you 'noble savage' that's what all these movies are about. Sure those savages might be noble and honorable but they still need a white man to lead them damnit!

@ReynaldoRiv: I don't think that's what he meant by long life, but hey at least you got to post that snazzy picture :-)

@omgwtflolbbl: if you're still looking at i7's microcenter has an obscene deal for the core i7 920s. $229 (i've seen them as low as 199) this is the ONE time i've seen a better price there than at newegg. So i'd say look into that for an intel build if u want to go LGA1366. Be nice when the new gulftown procs come

@Vanderblade: Anarchist_Gamer: Crunch time is one thing but cut in pay is a complete other thing. Why would they cut their pay DURING crunch time. Sounds like they're trying to maximize profits to me. (or curtail losses too much). Take 2 (the owners of rockstar) are going through something of an upheaval right now

@interkin3tic: check out massive black. It's a US run company that is an artwork outsource shop. Their main labor is done in China, and they've worked on all kinds of AAA titles.

@kyoshizen: hell YES. I just got one as well. Photoshop takes like 15 seconds to open at work. 2 seconds at home on SSD. It's a night and day diff. as i have software that would take ages to load before (Maya, and pretty much all of CS4).

@staySICK: What would you do w/ the 260 if you upgraded? I also have a 260 and was thinking of upgrading heh.