
the words 'spectacular failure' pop into my head when i see the pricing. MS you are officially disallowed from ever talking shit about PS Home.

If you want to know more about his thought process he wrote a book called 'concerning the spiritual in art'. I never was able to make it through it... funny cause it's a thin little thing :-p.

hmmm, i guess i was lucky. I got on around 7pm eastern and played 2 rounds with no problems and, just as importantly, no visible lag issues.

@Calijoefornia: and here he is listed questionable once again by coaches decision regarding 'accountability' to his team. That's the problem with Marshal. Ridiculous talent, but poor decision making. I remember that TD though. Can't coach that kind of playing.

@Cash907Censored: uh.... i think it says she dresses like a rock star, not acts like one.

I have to get back into dragon age origins and finish that. MW2 has been taking too much of my time lately. Gotta try to finish Dragon Age before Mass Effect 2 comes out.

hm i liked RE5. Game was a lot of fun co-op. I have to agree about killzone2 though. That was easily my biggest disappointment of 09 considering that i bought a ps3 to play it. Luckily uncharted2, made up for it.

@TRT-X: haha yeah. It's along the same lines of console makers saying their console is an 'entertainment hub' instead of a game machine IMHO.

@Mike Newlad: That's funny i hate how you kids think everything should be free when it costs a company money to run. Stop being a fucking retard and get a job.

i loved this game as a kid. Just checked the app store though, and it's not avail? Any idea when the release date is?

@dreamfall: hey, not quite DC here, but the DC metro area, on the MD side.

@PenguinJim: You only have half of it. You start w/ the launcher, prime a grenade, then switch back to the launcher w/ the grenade primed. Since it's semtex it won't explode until u die. The explosion combines w/ the launcher somehow when u die to make an uber explosion similar to a predator missile. It's not as

@exion: Imagine a walking (or rather sprinting) predator missile that explodes instantaneously upon death. At least you could run for your life from martyrdom.

Good thing it's not set in WW2, with the player controlling a Japanese soldier. Then realism would mean raping every female young and old, alive and dead.

@rich8606: That is exactly what happened to me with final fantasy 12. I was just starting my career so between 10 hour work days and weekends drowning myself with booze to forget the 10 hour workdays i just didn't have the time left to commit to a JRPG. Too bad as i actually enjoyed what i got to play of it.

Same reason i stopped playing UO. It started to feel like work. I don't like paying a monthly fee to feel like i'm working.

@hurricanedj: rofl i semi agreed with you until you said Killzone2. That game was the definition of mediocre in all aspects but graphics. Opinion only of course. #halo3odst

@nrXic: It was definitely a rip off to anyone who owns Halo3. If you didn't have Halo3 though, the multiplayer kind of made up for the short single player (IMHO). I had sold my copy of Halo 3 long ago, so i didn't mind the pricing. #halo3odst

@POWRDUPshawn: I recall it happening a few times. Xmas 07 was definitely the worst though. Hey, it's still worth my $50 though. #xboxlive

Seems to be a lot of people that love their local Gamestops. The one near me must be a bad one. I don't mind the pre-ordering, or the magazine subscription, or the edge card, or trying to sell me on extra shit. I can say no to all of that. What i absolutely can't stand is when there is a line of people, one