
@Archaotic: well i found a shotgun that shoots missiles. MISSILES! If you like the whole diablo loot-whore thing then you'll enjoy this game. #borderlands

to this day my heart rate goes up if i see the words corp por!

i have high hopes for this game to be something unlike anything i've played before. All the screen shots and animation tests have been awesome.

@Spongehead56: because the ps3 got away with doing it for this long. I suppose MS is wondering why they're bothering with the extra $1 - 5 heh. Hey project that out over like 10 mil. consoles and it starts to affect the bottom line i guess.

@Xaero_Dumort: 12 year olds? I think there are plenty of 20+ year olds that won't get it. Ignorance FTW seems to be the slogan of the times.

@u0127907: Yep, even says so on her flickr site. Still a nice pic tho.

@Lincolnsbeard33: Yep, the MMO equivalent of text messages for cell companies.

@brainboy77: wouldn't the entire first half of hey jude be kind of boring to play seeing as it's just piano and vocals?

@jp182: always... altho they tend to be the same... 'remember when we had to walk uphilll to and from school... in the snow... and rain?'

@MrWhitmore: Yep, far and away the best game i've played on the ps3 as well.

@Draco_2k: What Foppemoa said. Realtime GI is actually a lot more cpu intensive then self shadowing. I don't think this is supposed to impress gamers, afterall it was shown at SIGGRAPH that's a graphics conference, not a gamer one.

I'm sure this gets mentioned every TAY but your commenting system is complete shit. Often on the main kotaku page i see a comment (on the right of the article) that i find interesting and click on the lil link that says # of replies. It does nothing now. I understand that you guys wanted to encourage a healthier

@Blah8: It's even simpler. Adobe inDesign CS4 has an option (once u've laid out your pages) to enable page turning. Voila you get that effect. Before that you had to use flash.

@MadExponent: What that Clavan guy conveniently leaves out is that republicans DO help people. Corporations. In fact so do democrats. This whole republican or democrat thing is just silly. In the end they're all corrupt and they're all in the pockets of the corporations. As for de Tocqueville... sounds like Ayn

@LordChris915: Well i'll give you this. At least you're very direct about how much of a fanboy you are.

@hk458: If i had to guess i'd say they don't depreciate because they don't take up any real space beyond some HD space on the server. Whereas at retail a game will take up valuable shelf space. Just a guess but i agree that DLC prices should depreciate over time. If the COD map pack went down i'd probably buy it.

Like everyone else i'm going to suggest GIMP or an older version of photoshop. Do not believe everyone though, there is no 100% replacement for photoshop. We're talking about the 1 piece of software that every single content creation professional agrees on, and believe me the fanboys for 3d graphics and video

best DLC... wasn't L4D's survival mode sometime this year? Had tons of fun with that, all for the wholly acceptable price of nothing.