
that could be... interesting. Hopefully Konami also attaches a really good editor to the project as well. Just sayin... Kojima likes his words.

omg... this is perhaps the most boring thing i've ever seen.

@5p.: the way kz2 is now u flick the stick and it barely moves at all. There's some sort of giant dead zone in the middle of the screen.

it's about time they fixed the join friend feature. Too little too late for myself and my friends though :(. Most have traded the game in already.

@n00b_pwner: hah that means there's a whole lot of people in their 30s, 40s, 50s and on that aren't 'adults'. Not every citizen registers to vote at 18.

@Gortexfogg: That all depends on how much money you make.

@Soyerzzz: I dunno you could kind of make your own fun with crackdown. For example a friend and i blew up a bunch of cars then arranged them to look like soccer goals and proceeded to play ragdoll soccer. Great fun.

@toejam316: hahah i know exactly what you mean. This game is the definition of 'time sink' there has been way too many times i've thought 'just a few rounds before bed' next thing i know it's 4 am. :(

@michaelbasinger: Same here, no staying power in the game. They came so close to doing so many things right, and just didn't think things through all the way. I've played twice since i hit max rank 2 months ago... it's just not fun.

@Oldboy26: Wow... what crack are you smoking man? Nintendo is THE first party IP company. Zelda, mario, metroid, donkey kong, pokemon, starfox, kid icarus, not to mention all the IP spawned from those (wario, luigi, etc), those are just the IPs i rattled off the top of my head. I may not like the direction

@Mr. Fluffykins: Well said man. Most likely it will fall on deaf ears though as all we ever hear about are the jack abramoffs of the world. Lobbying doesn't just define these corporate political action committee representatives. If you go talk to your representative YOU are also lobbying. Thus, we can't get rid of

@khronos27: i have the gtx260 and run at same resolution, very high at a slightly lower frame rate. I'm just eyeballing the framerate though. How do you get it to display the exact framerate anyway?

Nice new level cap. I might have reason to dust off the game if they finally put in a party system with the next patch.

@anduin1: That's what i think. It'll take a bit, but since the stock market is forward looking they may start to price it in.

@Xaevier: there's been a whole lot of stocks you could get on the cheap. Several have seen 200%+ run ups since march. That's a hell of a lot better than my 1.8% savings account. Take it with a grain of salt though since i'm down like 20% overall :-p.

@Ursus-Veritas: I think it's just the 1 year standard warranty that gets renewed. That's what got renewed with my xbox when i sent it in (not the 3 year RROD warranty). The really sad thing is how MANY people have sent their xbox's in. Yet we keep doing it... gluttons for punishment.

@Leanid: Nothing is more finicky than the stock market. Look up the Mr. Market analogy.

@LllusionX:Cooking grenades for the Helghast: weren't regenerating health and the modern console fps control scheme popularized by the first halo? Then online gaming w/ the second. I'm not a big fan of the series either, but i can at least admit that it's had a huge impact on gaming.

@Zorantor: lol that was great. Thanks