Hot Teak

That link is about child porn and people convicted of abusing children. This in no way backs up your first claim. Child porn =\= adult porn. They are not the same thing at all. At all. Just as child-brides are not the same as adult brides. Second, that is a study of convicted abusers, not people (literally) at

Since the Internet grants me anonymity, I’ll confess to being one of the people who read King’s freeform train-of-though in book form, Faithful. He writes a lot, and his editors are the unsung heroes of American literature.

I find facts to be more believable when they are funny. This is a believable fact.

I was actually disappointed since countless hours of standing in rightfield in little league led me to imagine just that scenario. I was hoping to see my flight of mind come to life...not this clip.

Only in a world where click-bait headlines exist could that accurately be described as “chucking” a glove at the ball.

Be careful what you ask for. I’m a track and field fan and the Fitish sub-blog makes me realize just how painfully dull the sport is.

When you’re making Nick Kyrgios seem like a semi-reasonable person, you can consider yourself in a very thin portion of the human-piece-of-crap bell curve.

I like that they called it what it was without buzzwords. It wasn’t the “what unknown paradigm shifts could undermine our targetted branding” or something.

We lived in Portales (near ENMU) and my daughter was born there. The place was weird. I remember driving back from Santa Fe one day and as we got close to Portales the road was suddenly covered with literally hundreds of migrating tarantulas. We got out of the car to look at them. Some were as wide as mail

Ha! I went Cannon to Ramstein as well...but I’m pretty sure I’m not your dad

Fun “fact”: in the last round of Military Base closings (BRAC) I was at Cannon AFB (Lubbock is the nearest “city”). The fact that the area is similar to Iraq was sold to congressional members as a benefit for keeping Cannon open since it provided pilots with ‘realistic training’ for deployments. I’ve been to both

You’re right. Here are the 1998 Malone Invitational results.

Who beat the house elf? That dude had to be somebody big right? Nobody is beating Dobby in a footrace.

Damn! Your name doesn’t lie. You are old.

“I strenuously object?” Is that how it works? Oh if you strenuously object I should take some time to reconsider.

I love this story

I misread “RHP” Ryan Dempster for R.I.P. Ryan Dempster.

This was also the latin motto of my university.

Wayne Rooney has sex with grandmas