
Let’s be honest: what are the odds that this woman is actually real?

I’m 100% certain that there was a not-zero number of female professors, administrators, and the like at his school who had had abortions in their younger days, who, more likely than not, would not be in those positions if not for the abortions. It’s just the law of large numbers.

Old line, prompted originally in response to Rick Santorum if I recall correctly: They want small government, so small in fits inside a uterus.

Men shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to accept that the woman may get an abortion.

The man who cited the Holocaust now runs an archipelago of concentration camps for children. Get lost, you fucking hypocrite.

I sort of doubt that abortion was a key step on their path to success.”

Dollars to donuts, the fellow student kept the essay half for the horrifyingly appalling, yet completely unsurprising, Holocaust comparisons and half for the tragicomically terrible writing. That’s super embarrassing.

Lloyd argued that women shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to give birth:

I cannot wait to hear your review. 

Wow, I don’t know if it’s the recent turnover in writers, but more and more I find myself really surprised at the tone of Jezebel’s articles. This is extremely unnecessary, and I hope you’re never confronted by something like this when you ultimately lose a loved one.

You’re comparing the use of a racist slur to speaking out against a symbol of racism. Who’s biased and absurd?

Her role in Sideways?

Watching her crack that asshole in the face with her motorcycle helmet was the best part of that movie.

God, she really does terrify the bastards. Good for her.

It could be worse. He could have talked about how fuckable he thinks she looks like some other creepy old man that doesn't need naming.

Give it a rest. If you have anything to say about the movie, direct it to Rian Johnson or Kathleen Kennedy or JJ Abrams or Lucasfilm or Disney themselves. They are the ones who made this movie possible. Kelly Marie Tran played her role well. You just didn’t like the story her character went in, but she had zero to do

Aside from being beautiful, Kelly Marie Tran is also inspirational. She may have deleted her internet presence, but she stands tall and will continue to be involved in the very films that white (and some unfortunate POC) men feel so strongly about that they’re willing to harass and threaten someone to “protect it.”

The number one responsibility of a father is to embarrass their child as much as possible. Carry on, Alec.

This may be off topic, but I read this story on the weekend and walked around teary-eyed through Sunday night.

this dude looks like a fake Onion article about 2017 rappers