
Bearing witness is an important part of helping people cope with trauma. Telling their stories and feeling heard may actually help their recovery, long term.

She could pass for Dominican because many Dominicans are part black....

i’ve never reacted like that when my feelings were hurt...LET ALONE IN A PROFESSIONAL SETTING.

The problem here is one of using language to achieve the intended goal of understanding, rather than spark debate. Both the officer’s question and the Captain’s answer were inartful. His poorly worded question clearly implied that he doesn’t even understand how a statistic about oppression is derived and interpreted,

I’m confused - is the wife of the questioning officer trans? If not, then what’s his point? “Trans people are subjected to police violence” - “well, my wife has never mentioned it to me”. Which, if she is, then it seems odd he would be “questioning” the state in a WMP way?

Oh my God I have NEVER raised my voice like that when my fee-fees were hurt what the fuck??? Like, you are that reactive and explosive and you’re IN THE POLICE FORCE? (I realize these are just rhetorical questions but it’s all I can do to get my visceral reaction out)

I feel for Weber and I’m extremely worried this is

Who knew cops were so easily... triggered?

When William got.married I was like eh, ok. I enjoy a large wedding spectacle, very royal, yes yes, whatever.

This. This is why no female presidential candidate of an age and experience to capably lead today would resonate as the “perfect” woman by 2017’s standards. I had several friends who didn’t like how formal/stiff she seemed, how tough she came across, and I was like do you even KNOW what it was like to come up when she

That is what stood out to me too. I do think NBC wanted to get ahead of the Variety and Times stories, but if all they wanted to do was beat the stories they would have put him on leave while they investigated. The speed and severity of the sanction tell me it was severe conduct and well documented.

Right and not to further politicize it all but I plan to refute this point with the fact that liberals are clearly the only ones holding their constituents accountable. The difference in this respect, is that conservatives are still giving their disgusting leaders passes. Shame on all of them.


I didn’t realize the “I have Native friends” trope still works- but it certainly doesn’t infer indigenous perspective.

You are conflating tribal membership with genealogical descent. Cherokee Nation certainly can define and show genealogical charts that show recognized descendants of Cherokee personage. Cherokee Nation can certainly define for tribal law and membership purposes whom has recongized and verified Cherokee ancestry for

Despite your sarcasm, it is a ‘good thing’ that she has stopped. Your initial post made it sound like she was habitually doing this:

“She continues to perpetuate this Cherokee princess myth that white people have been using for now centuries to further exploit an already exploited group of people.” 

Of course, whether or not Warren’s claim is legitimate has nothing to do with whether or not using the term “Pocahontas” as an insult is racist.

> which keep meticulous genealogical records

Cherokee tribes, which keep meticulous genealogical records

Oh, shut the fuck up.