
Mistake By The Lake Fool In The Pool

Counterpoint: Daniel Tiger is fucking horrible.

Rasheed’s late career face-turn was particularly enjoyable for its organic nature: he gradually mellowed out, while fans grew to appreciate a wily —and always entertaining— veteran.

A Bulldog beating a human? That’s not how it’s supposed to work!

New Orleans would like a word.

Not even close.

Roses are red

In case you weren’t sure that was dirty, targeting and leading with the head, here’s the hit from another angle.

“Jason Pierre-Paul has better hands than Michigan’s punter”

I’m a Michigan fan but, “Jason Pierre Paul has better hands than their punter” is pure gold.

“Connor Cook wears a shirt to swim,” was pretty good too.


I was just chilling, doing a little hunting, when I saw them roll up. I don’t like to pass judgement, but these guys looked weird. They were like a bad semi-Goth band with hipster tendencies for wool and poorly fitting jackets. Ugh, those hats were atrocious too. And they were rolling deep. Women, animals, you name

In his defense, that sliding glass door was REALLY clean.

That looks staged to me, maybe even scripted.

i thought you said they were brothers. they look latino to me.

When they put Eckstein and Castillo on there, I first thought “HA! I guess we’ll see some funny hometown votes.” Then I groaned, because the Gritlord is going to get an annoying amount of votes.