
I assumed I would have to re-install Windows as well, of course. You can’t just install a new motherboard, RAM, and CPU without re-installing Windows!

Nah, it is because regardless of how awful people are, celebrity = views or clicks.

Why do you think someone who understands is trying to do bad toward you is... bad?

Dude, we’re the same and these asshole with their concern are the people who call the cops.

What? I didn’t ever come anywhere near “molesting” you. In fact I agreed and affirmed a lot of your stance.

Do you think men got where they are by being whining?

I chose a victim?

Fuck your story.

I think you’re the creepy one.

W. T. F.?

“Being scared” is a shitty way to live.

Yep, that’s the current FL. College kids who want a sexual kick and can’t understand that most of what we do is non-sexual. The desire to make everything about sexual politics is frustrating.

Sure! No worries :)

Nope. They made a pre-facto decision about who was cool and who wasn’t.

Rich, this whole comment section is people making themselves feel better because they aren’t “fucked up” like those people.

Things that don’t effect anyone else are “so awful”.

So pack shottys.

You’re bitter... and that’s not cool.

So... you think Destiny 2 will make you a better player?

As soon as I wrote that I was in an abusive relationship with a woman I got banned on Jez.