

So they were sent walking in Memphis by the officials, but do they really feel the way they feel?

Finally, the Florida Gator offense gets going.


TBF, most players are only on NBA teams because of their contracts

This is ridiculous. I’m outta here.
Cech, please.

a fun but ultimately pointless exercise

There’s 82 games in the season, homey. But I get what you’re saying.

Man, that video is a lock for sure dread.

And the Karolyis didn’t know. Sure and neither did Paterno.

If the president of the United States needs a translator to speak in English, he needs to not be the president.

Crosby Stills Nash And The Rangers

When you have a franchise guy in any sport, it just makes sense to bring them along slowly. As an example, Mark Sanchez restricted himself to teens for a loooong time.

Would everyone please just calm down? Trump already met with the President of California a few days ago.

Let me help you: this looks amazing.

Expect them to be placed on the IR next week with smallpox.

Fuck Gulati.

Drink bleach Scott Pruitt.

Of course, Kyrie thought he was speaking to a reporter from the Boston Rectangle.