
As a member of wypipo (and one that agrees that a) everyone attacking Leslie Jones on this is trash and b) that in general everyone is too damn opinionated about everything), I have an honest question and would appreciate your take. Am I not supposed to have an opinion or express it on race?

I’ll preface this by

So hold on - people are getting bent out of shape bc the little dinosaur digitally tea-bagged the other little dinosaur? Nobody actually tea-bagged anybody live and in person? ...This is a story?

so in your mind are lady parts horseshoes or hand grenades?

Oh God, Canadians are publicly lecturing us now..we’re so fucked.

it’s pretty standard gear for the psychos that want to be up front..


Your comment (and probably life) personified

This is on the adults, who should know better.


I got to #4 or so before I realized this was a Jezebel link....guess I’m watching Carol this wknd

dammit...+1 and a lower case “hail”