Love Too Type


I’m glad fans took the time to help their fellow spectators by booing an assault.

Gus needs to be on, oh I don’t know, every broadcast ever. Not even just sports.

This is great, W/ Bob and David is not.

I knew Texas would be so high thanks to my latest insurance premium.


Why, all she does is play with a dead squirrel while a dad joyfully films it except for the few seconds of zooming in on his wife’s tits.

Ok I’ll come clean, I’m not a scientist.

Nah see, that’s gotta be a controlled variable so it’s the same dick every time. Can’t have different size/shape/reactiveness to the injection gumming up the works.

Don’t rain on my dick parade.

I’m fairly certain there’s something that exists opposite a never block that could be injected for quick results. Basically, insert an IV so it’s at the ready, a bug lands, plunge that shit, and homie starts flexing. Keep that camera on record at all times.

How dare you bring serious thought and discussion into this when I was clearly joking. I’m calling the police.

I can’t think of a single guy I’ve ever known that wouldn’t do that.

Aw yeah, uncontrolled variables. This is how experiments get more fun.

Guys, figure out which way you want to do it on your own, leave me out of it please.

I’m being serious though, let’s put something sweet on his boner and wait for a mosquito and then watch what happens. We’ll work in shifts if we have to.

Who let Jared Fogle on Kinja?

How poorly they watered those plants on the right at the beginning.

Let’s say you catch a mosquito biting your dick and you ignore the initial freakout response to brush it off. Could you force yourself to get an erection and force enough blood into the mosquito to make it burst?