Hot Take - Rome Was Bad

If those words are dangerous, capable of inflaming suicidal ideation in susceptible populations, is it wise to reproduce them in length in a comment? What is gained by this, other than you expressing moral outrage at the cost of others’ mental health? Did you really ~need~ to spread those dangerous words to express

It would be nice if there were unified federal laws concerning a company’s responsibility to abate olfactory externalities, whether they be chicken smell or pig lagoon. Alas, that would violate the spirit of the FREE MARKET, or whatever the logic is behind the current deregulation spree.

Is it so crazy to want as a presidential candidate a person with a personal history of being the one objecting to such microaggressions, not the one decrying the changing social mores? Like, I get that some folks are homophobic, and others feel cool with pissing on wait staff, but neither one of those traits are good.

My experience was that the first four movies were so bad I couldn’t make it through them, but when I started with five and then watched through the rest of the series it won me over pretty damn fast.

The optimal number of dogs may be one cat, but the optimal number of cats is two cats.

We’re just so tired. There’s momentum elsewhere that dying on this hill once more will short circuit, even if we could sustain a full court press here this allegation isn’t going to do any more damage to the Teflon Don, and it’s just constantly retraumatizing to be reminded that his political base—a third of the

I don’t disagree with your goal, but I think your experience has narrowed your understanding of the electorate. I see a lot of Democratic political operatives acting in ways that remind me of how surviving psychological abuse and DARVO tactics narrowed my risk assessment abilities in ways which served the people who

I don’t feel like “Warren can’t win because she’s going to be tarred Hillary 2.0" qualifies as too wonky a position. On a practical level, Trump has already contaminated his branding of her with the racist slur thing, and on a charisma level, Warren is way better than Clinton ever was at explaining her positions in

Your avatar, a paragon of good faith arguments, makes me implicitly trust your unsupported assertion. You are right, I should totally base my primary candidate preference on the inevitable way in which Trump will mock his opposing candidate. Maybe, if I’m super reasonable and vote for someone inoffensive to power like

Trying to apply logic to the legal system is an exercise in frustration and disillusionment. The government will still claim it contains classified info, since these days that means anything that is embarrassing to the state, and the courts will likely hold water for their obviously bad-faith arguments, because

Reliable TERF tactic: bait trans folks (usually, but not always, women) into responding to a provocation, only include the response in the clips you disseminate, and then try to get the state to wield its police power against the trans person, who will receive harsher consequences in the legal system than a cis person

When I was in high school (end of the 90s) our (male) ethics teacher once gave a free-wheeling assembly on a host of topics. At one point he mentioned that a study had shown that pictures of Kathy Ireland caused self-esteem damage for girls... so of course there was such a picture on the next slide.

Well, if you’re having trouble putting a finger on what your objections to trans participation are, here are some questions to meditate on if you truly seek clarity:

Well how else in the modern media landscape are you going to get the young to do Battle Royale voluntarily and in a repeatable (and thus marketable) way?

I love Doon Mackichan but so far I’ve found her Michael to be rather inexplicably underused. Even in this episode, where she gets the big “Heaven and Hell are the same racket” scene, she just seemed wildly dialed back compared to more interesting performances I’ve seen in shows like Plebs or Toast of London.

Agreed on that! My irk was because I’ve literally never seen this happen in the wild, so my only experience with that sort of anecdote is in bad comedy. And yet it’s like a weird cultural flashpoint in comedy routines, heavily infused with misogyny in many of its manifestations! Madness.

A take on diet culture and “women be crazy” so fresh it’s already been mocked on a large number of sketch shows by dudes in drag.

I mean... from your story it sounds like the “good” charter school you experienced wasn’t financially sustainable? It shut down after two semesters, after all. The “scam” of charter schools is the idea that you can get a quality education for less money than a public school costs, while maintaining rigorous academic

I wonder if it has anything to do with Sears Roebuck’s relatively high-profile presence in Philadelphia and a 1950s association between the company and technology. Like, that sounds like aRobbie the Robot”-era slang term, localized to Philadelphia (which has a lot of hyper-specific lingo).

It’s almost like this whole fiasco is more evidence that hate crime laws are bad, not because hate crimes can go unpunished, but because the institutions which investigate, define, and prosecute hate crimes are in most jurisdictions hostile to those who report them, and thus have found a variety of novel and perverse