who will think of the organization that has crippled Central and South America and developing nations around the world by staging coups to install US patsies?
nah. there are plenty of women who support Sanders over Warren, it’s not only men
yes because Republicans are anti-intellectual, this admin is no worse than previous ones. when i was a grad student in the mid 00s, in an ethics class one of the topics ended up talking about what would happen in academia if Wisconsin turned red. the first thing mentioned was that tenure would be gone. Walker and his…
Kirk Gibson is laughing his ass off at this dramatic chump
at release, a digital copy of a game costs the same as a physical one, regardless of platform (Xbox, PC, etc)
Franchise owners love to have it both ways. They rely on a national chain with nationwide logistics and national advertisements, then scream “locally owned” when corporate or a fellow franchisee messes things up. They use this line of thinking to combat boycotts, leaving out that they could have bought a different…
this is 100% incorrect
these fuckers need to die in prison
Gotta side with the officials, probably a bad batch of Indio Oats.
FFS, just a piss-poor excuse.
In other news that should be a bigger story than it is, even in Wisconsin, the Republicans have failed to confirm any of the individuals Gov Evers has nominated for his Cabinet. This on the heels of the lame duck laws passed at the end of 2018 diminishing the powers of newly elected Democratic Governor Evers and…
Having separate windows for the money transaction and the food transfer seems useless when they can’t physically fit a vehicle in between the two, like the McDonald’s closest to my house. It seems pointless to go from one window directly to the next with no other car waiting in between. I get wanting to have two…
Leaks are CRITICAL to the oversight of our government. Do you honestly think that the politicians and bureaucrats tasked with oversight would ever stir up trouble?
Why don’t these fuckers analyze the video of the cops forcing a guy to crawl down a hotel hallway before executing him?
Companies have found ways around weekends and vacations, people regularly work through those. This is happening right in front of our faces yet so many people think it can't happen, that everything unions won over the years are here forever. People playing right into the hands of the capitalists.
He was targeting rich people in blue states with SALT cap. The thinking being that rich people of both parties would get mad at state legislators who would then set their budgets to look more like Mississippi. It was definitely not an attack on the 1% per se, but an indirect attack on democratic state legislatures…
Agreed. Niche products have been made since the dawn of commerce, if any company in history can afford to make niche products it’s the modern day international conglomerate.
Billion dollar corporations are too cheap for basic market research, so they have to ask customers for money up front. Capitalism is awesome.