Look at those goal posts move!
Look at those goal posts move!
I don’t need your help.
Perhaps you’re not using the most accepted spellings?
Reading is fund...Oh sorry.
Reading’s fundamental!
Your latin schtick would land better if you spelled the words correctly.
How is it ad hominem? [Note: You don’t know. And have not shown that you know. All you have done is insist that you’re right. Name one.]
I have not committed a single ad hominem fallacy in any comment I’ve made to you. I will accept your refusal to point to even one as an admission of my correctness. Unless you can...Name one.
If they’re so abundent, it should be easy to...Name one.
Name one, expert.
You’re unable to recognize them, yet you fashion yourself such an expert?
Seriously, name one.
Argumentum ad logicam
Name one.
You’ve used as a synonym for name-calling each time you used it.
I’ve already explained how my comments were not ad hominem.
You don’t know what the term means. You are using it wrong. I’m asking -not because I don’t know - but because I know you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Argumentum ad logicam
Argumentum ad logicam: You’re entire comment history.
Explain how it is ad hominem, please.
Baseball teams are an investment and business for owners. The other goal that you don’t think exists - despite having it told to you multiple times - is MONEY.
When we’re debating person A’s motivation. I hardly think “appealing to the authority” of person A’s words is a fallacy.