
You should do some warmups before you stretch that hard.

This looks like a cheese filled goatse.

This is the bar for “truly horrifying”?

It’s almost as if what he liked doing was stupidly dangerous, and then he made it even more dangerous, and then that danger caught up with him.

I like how the article states why it was overturned (time expired? foot on line? out of bounds?).

Hey, someone overdub Paul Heyman yelling “Gore! Gore! Gore!” to this like Deadspin staffers always dub routine nondescript dunks with that Jim Ross “Bahgawd, he’s broken in half” call.


During Playoff Season, my fellow Wild season ticket holder and I generally transfer our loyalties to the Hawks. For the past 7 years, as soon as this occurs, I start setting her up with texts / emails fishing for her to respond with an “I think” (or similar) kind of statement, simply so I can reply, “ODUYA?” It never

Wild fan here. The Hawks don’t goon it up. There is no one on the team to obviously hate like a Cooke or Marchand. They play exciting hockey. Their young stars (locks for the Hall of Fame) are dynamic. Their coach has an awesome stache. What’s not to like?

Would you use pasta dough to make bread? No. Don’t do use pancake mix to make waffles.

As a Wild fan enamored with Dubnyk, I don’t believe this for a second. Price is great. That said, Dubnyk does belong in the Vezina and Hart discussion as much as Price.

I’ll stand by my original analysis of team speed, depth, team defense, goaltending, and I’ll toss in coaching and determination. Go Wild.

Where did Turner hide his three?

Dead Island Weapon Duping. I forget how it works, but it effectively gave you infinite copies of weapons to use / modify into better, etc. I’m not great at these kinds of games and couldn’t imagine playing that game legit.

Also raided Gold Chest, but I used a second character / controller. I forget the exact steps, but I’d grab a bunch of guns, swap them with the second controller, log out, do it again. I think this is the only exploit I’ve personally discovered.

Lifehack: Put stuff in a barrel.

Define “much better”, I thought STL was just marginally better (and mostly as of late).

And the Wild are tough for the Blues because of team speed, depth, and a goalie that landed from planet Nogoalotron from the year 2076.

On what basis do the Wild’s chances not look good? Their other-worldly goaltending? Their super balanced roster? Top flight Penalty Kill? That they rattled off 12 straight road wins, an NHL record, and an important factor for the playoffs? The fact they split the season series?

Alternate article ideas: