Every time you write shit like this, you drive away the ONLY people it’s of any actual value to, and create an echo chamber.
Every time you write shit like this, you drive away the ONLY people it’s of any actual value to, and create an echo chamber.
This guy is the worst writer on the internet and has no idea how to use his anger for anything positive except for making fun of the people who are trying to help him.
The only thing you’re right about is that this so called revolution won’t change anything. And you’re making sure of it through your words and your actions because if you accepted anything else, this whole tired black revolutionary Halloween costume persona your poser ass has dreamed up for yourself would come apart.…
michael, the people you work for are White
But he’s a vile racist, a bigoted hate monger. Why would he not divide the human race when that’s exactly what he wants?
thank you, this “article” is ridiculous. you are absolutely right, this helps cultivate a larger divide because of this personal opinion of this one person. i’m hispanic and could care less how many white people choose to support the fact that i just want to live my life. the root is theee worst. unfortunately the…
Michael Harriot only cares about black lives insomuch as he can use them as ammunition to hate on “whiteness”.
What happened to the article from last week? I don’t see it featured since the comment section pointed out your were wrong. I’d say you’re wrong a lot more than your narcissism will allow you to see. I hope you give up being a racist some day.
You’ve already admitted to being a bigot. We all know you don’t believe white people can be allies. Most likely because that cute little blonde sorority sarah wouldn’t give your black ass the pussy back in college. Right? I know I’m right.
Original title - 10 Ways Good White People Can Help Black America
Studies please.
The problem is that … our open fields and forests are being paved over, and our waterways are seeing more development and noisy boat traffic. As their habitat disappears under housing and commercial developments, firefly numbers dwindle.
Because since everything was still Gawker, the various mastheads have crossposted things that might be tangentially interesting to people who primarily only visit the one and not the other.
This article could have saved a lot of space and just put in “A 100% successful way to prevent your eviction is to...pay your rent.”
OK, I’m a small-time landlord (5 properties). I’ve worked with my tenants in the past when there’s been a problem, and sometimes just a bit more time fixes the matter. I’ve also been royally screwed by deadbeats, and had to evict. It’s no fun for anybody, and I’m going to be losing lots of money regardless. Think of…
Any articles for landlords that need to ensure an eviction?
So do you go around memorizing different treatments to different types of cancer just in case it happens too?
So this won’t be popular but screw it. It was wrong for him to date girls under 18. He should have been punished for it, and it’s a shame he wasn’t. However, this just doesn’t have the same creepy vibe that Michael Jackson or Jimmy Saville had.