
If someone wants to use your SS it’s easy as hell.

‘grown man lover’? 

When I left Scotland in 2000 to emigrate to California I brought two boxes.

How to boil water next?

Who cares?

You’re a blogger.

Why do we need this article?

Abu...stop doing that gormless, panicky, staring into the camera thing on all your posts.

It’s amazing how images have taken over for discussion.

Why is this on i09?

Hardened drinker but no. No Campari.

“Democracy dies in darkness”

You could possibly cash some in if you need the money however in many cases the IRS doesn’t look kindly on a US citizen trying to invest in an account another country.

Aaah, an ad hominem practitioner. I’ve heard about people like you.

33 clicks for the price of one?

You think a blogger makes any money?

I own a business. Highly complex scientific instrumentation and science consultancy to the movie industry.

Now playing

The Presidents of the United States of America.

A “true” Bellini is made with pureed white peaches (which are sometimes soaked in wine) and Prosecco

Damn you...