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    Hey I agree you should never just believe that a story on the internet is true. Halfway through I thought “there’s no real proof of this”. But I’ve listened to Rush Limbaugh’s show before and I have thought that all his callers are really congenial and “such big fans”. Even if you wanted to screen all your callers, at

    What does that have to do with fake callers? Do you have something that says NPR callers are paid by NPR’s parent corporation? Or are your feelings just hurt that they never say “left wing extremist” and often say “right wing extremist”? Well who is a “left wing extremist”? Bernie Sanders? Pope Francis? In America we

    So? What’s your point? An NPR executive said that the Tea Party is really racist? So?

    Hey I agree you should never just believe that a story on the internet is true. Halfway through I thought “there’s no real proof of this”. But I’ve listened to Rush Limbaugh’s show before and one of the first things I ever noticed was how all his callers are really congenial and “such big fans”. Even if you wanted to