
I think her faux-Britney Spears music video disproves her superhero origin story of moving to the south at a tender age and being raised by wolves black people (barf) which is why she does verbal black face identifies with black people and our culture.

As much as I detest Iggy Azalea (and god do I detest her) this whole sex tape debacle is not cool and Vivid should face legal action for soliciting a tape that was filmed without her knowledge (or consent) when she was still a legal minor.

What's wrong with hitting your kids, my parents hit me when I was a kid and look at me now, I grew up into someone who doesn't think hitting your kids is wrong.

Change we can believe in.

While this is disturbing as fuck for many reasons, the silver lining is that we now have a better study to refer to when discussing this stuff with crazy MRAs. No, it won't change their minds, but at least when these assholes come at us with "DO YOU HAVE ANY SOURCES FOR THAT HMMM WHERE IS MY FEDORA?" we have something

Can we stop calling it a leak and start calling it a disgusting violation of privacy?

This makes me proud to be a Columbia alum, and that isn't something I've been able to say a lot during the past few months.

This is like his 203457032nd violent episode. He also beat the shit out of Rhianna. 3 months and $150 is a slap on the wrist...which is a lot less than Brown would do.

Huh...I paid more than that for speeding.


Quelle roughage!

Oh come on, don't act like bread soaked in bacon grease wouldn't be amazing (in moderation).

True, but if you complain about how "that muffin pastry was extremely chewy," people are justified in laughing at you being a dumbass.

Guy #1 reminds me of how fervently I lick muffin wrappers, and if I chew and swallow a bit of the paper by accident does it hurt anyone? Does it? After all, it's infused with muffin flavor.