
Fuck yes. This is courageous.

O.m.g. Edinburgh is my literal favorite place on this planet. CAN I COME TO YOUR WEDDING WHEN IT HAPPENS

Please remove yourself from society and go live with wolves. Actually, no, wolves are too good for you. Find an island and never make contact. Have fun making your own food!

I mean this sincerely: there is no way to say the phrases "I will argue against the servers" and "think these servers need to suck it up," without being an AWFUL human being.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL I get paid to write for this website. u mad?

That Seattle-based beat writers have grown to love Marshawn, despite his reticence to talk to them and despite having jobs far more reliant on Seattle players' quotes than your normal sportswriter, says volumes.

Really???? Yeah, I don't deny that marketing and media coverage has played a large role in making the NFL the money-generating juggernaut that it currently is but…who the fuck follows post-game coverage and questions besides members of the media?

Strip Club Idiot here!

Batey's attorney said he was "very inebriated" that night and that he "had a blackout,"

Damn, and the dog is even black. :(

Anne Bonny wasn't the only female pirate, and definitely not the most successful. The most successful pirate – female or male – ever was Ching Shih, who went from working as a prostitute to building and leading one of the largest standing Navies in the 19th Century world, with estimates ranging from 300-1,800 ships

Yep. They confiscated her passport and "encouraged" her to return to Monaco after she fled to Paris.

Charlene cried at her wedding. Maybe this is her default milestone moment face?*

Man, I thought rappers were just scary patronizing jerks out to make White women feel bad.

The joy on Charlene's face is just palpable.

Speaking of puppies, I just discovered the greatness that is the Russian Bear Dog.