
I used to live in Germany, and while your points on frequent traffic and construction are absolutely true - you’re ignoring one basic fact (without which you wouldn’t have much of a post, so I understand the motivation): You’re always responsible for driving according to the conditions, meaning traffic, construction,

If you have something attractive that’s not available to a large audience (ie. Amazon Prime), people will find a way to get their hands on it.

Ford has muscle and if they stand up, talk about their American heritage and hardships under different leadership, people will listen. But as long as they run their standard pc bs, they won’t reach a fraction of the people Trump does. Unfortunately.


Compared to US build quality, most is superior...

I instantly thought it was a hommage to the old Massey Ferguson tractors.

Since when is Jalopnik only for Americans?! Granted - insulting isn’t the way to go, however the points are 100% valid.

Dear Justin - I think you’re looking at this from the wrong angle. Anyone who put down the deposit already, could be described as a Tesla fan on some level. You’ll never sway them with a 30 second ad for a technologically inferior product. Never.

One hiccup with this suggestion: In Europe, we often refer to gasoline as benzene - or benz in short/slang. It would be counter intuitive to refer to an electric lineup with the slang version of a fossil fuel...

Brilliant! Does a race series exist, where the cars can’t have automatics or any electronics? I don’t mean barn racing, but proper racing - just without the digital crutches?

I guess it wouldn’t be super hard to drop in a modern drivetrain. And would it spoil the experience? I honestly don’t think so.

It could be in Taiwan - the license plates look familiar.

I used it last year for Le Mans and it worked brilliantly!

Too bad they’ve blocked out the lower quarter with that blue bar. You totally lack sensing the the car, unless it’s going downhill. Meh.

Interesting how my brain is trained to think ‘CGI’ for these kinds of shots. Amazing! Heja Sverige!

I wonder why they didn’t apply piezoelectricity instead?! But maybe that’s still equally inefficient? I mean, the did this 6 years ago, so I would assume it’s evolved further.

Fair point. What’s the other critique?

Yes, your point being?

While I understand the fascination with the exotic French car designs - especially in the case of Citroën - I don’t understand why anyone would buy a car of poor quality, which most often is the case with PSA and Renault (and FIAT for that matter, despite being Italian). Other than my bad personal experiences, this is

I’m no Opel fan - by any stretch - but this Insignia Country Tourer badge is cooler than the usual 4WD stuff I’ve seen.