
Isn’t that ironic?

She’s here, to remind him, of the cash he stole when he went away.

I hope she’s there in court to remind him of the mess he left...

‘Cause he had one hand in her pocket, and the other one was depositing all of her money in a Swiss bank account.

He is due to appear before the Senate for his confirmation hearing as Treasury Secretary on Tuesday…

If this is all true, then FUCK HER. Put her in jail and let her rot. I’m a Muslim and I’m so damn bloody sick of all these goddamned terrorists and apologists who try to make excuses for these worthless, ruthless, barbaric murderers and killers. I was on Reddit yesterday and there was sub-reddit drama about some

If I had at least $4 million to spend on my wedding, I would do something additional with my hair...

Uh, no. If a person’s moral compass is shitty enough to do something like this, I REALLY don’t think they would make a good parent. No way, no how.

Just had a baby 6 weeks ago. They only took her once for hearing test and the few other newborn items and she was back in 20 minutes. They didnt have a nursery.

I was born in the late 80s when stories like these were hitting the news hard (kidnapped babies, switched at birth, etc). At the hospital my parents didn’t let me out of their sight, haha.

They lock maternity wards down so tight now, it’s crazy. My kid was an hour old and had on a proximity alarm, three bar codes that corresponded to me, and a microchip. No exaggeration. And my hospital required babies to room in with the parents.

Every delivery ward I’ve been in in the past 10 years have a system so that this never happens. They baby has a monitor attached to them and there are sensors that if they’re taken beyond them, go off. Security is tight.

But corn starch thickens my gravy...WHAT WILL IT DO TO MY THIGHS??

All I can think of when you say that is that scene in Friends where Ross is stuck in the bathroom trying to powder his sweaty leather pants.

I borrowed their sunscreen from a fried when I forgot mine. I fried.

I’m glad that I’ve solved my baby’s diaper rash the good old fashioned way: by smearing cement butt cream over her nether regions with a reluctant finger, and then wiping the excess on her new diaper, hoping that that extra gesture fixes everything.

Why the hell would I use Jessica Alba’s baby powder when baby Aquaphor is safer and cheaper?

Pictured: Scientist who specializes in “natural alternatives:”

Fuck, I would settle for the grandparent who takes the kid every Tuesday.

I think the fact that she started out by ordering native craftspeople to produce what she wanted and selling them at a profit was.... maybe an early indicator that she wasn't going to be the worlds greatest employer. :/