I was going to say this. I’ve lived in Minnesota. Lots of tall, thin types.
I was going to say this. I’ve lived in Minnesota. Lots of tall, thin types.
YAS QUEEN. Nigella Lawson says what I always kinda thought but never wanted to say out loud.
Basically 95% of people during this time were racist, probs.
Slightly off-topic and very vain of me, but on the rare occasions when I am the one who is interacting/hanging with a person who is taken, the thought pops into my head, “Is his wife gonna be mad at him? Or me?” Then I feel kinda weird about it, even though it’s truly ridiculous to feel that way. It’s on them and…
I'll pass, dude. I know what I mean and it’s not what you're saying. Thanks for this fun Internet interaction, though. Good luck in all your future endeavors.
Huh? No... I said stop making big movies. I also said “do whatever you want.” She could totally make a bunch of small, weird indie flicks and plays and shit for a couple of years. Also, that is more directed toward letting the insanity of fame die down than anything else, so, like, stop stressin'.
I have unsolicited advice for Jennifer Lawrence, which she will never ever read: take a break from acting in big movies for like 5 years. Do whatever you want. Do nothing, even. Then find yourself a regular, non-famous dude who likes spending time at home watching movies and eating pizza and cookie dough.
Big mistake. Big. Huge.
Could it be.... Beyonce is.... maybe not a nice person?!
I agree with what you said about appearance in Hollywood, but I just want to add that the question “What are you/what is he/what is she/etc.” contributes a whole lot toward feelings of otherness and shapes how a person identifies. Just sayin’ from experience.
Honest question: is there a reason that I’m missing why this film is being singled out, or are we just getting articles every time there’s a new movie full of white people? If we are, that’s cool - I have nowhere to be.