Serious question - what the hell is a “public editor”? Do other sites have them? Does he edit the public?
Serious question - what the hell is a “public editor”? Do other sites have them? Does he edit the public?
I wish more black folks would watch hockey. Come over to our side, it’s exciting!
Maybe the goals of feminism and capitalism are inherently at odds and one needs to die (capitalism)?
I thought I read just yesterday that 85% of new drugs are a result of government research, NOT private R&D...
They already did. Well, at least they resigned. But as the Jezebel article about it from yesterday (and Ms. Larson’s statement) makes clear, there is more to be done with how things operate there.
Yeah this sucks. Been following it since Monday night as well. Was happy they got rid of the two when I read the statement, but this article lets it be known that Cinefamily needs to go a LOT further. Sucks, because I go there often and would like to continue to...
The Cinefamily is awesome! Except, it apparently isn’t. Very sad and unfortunate that what we thought was a “cool” place actually wasn’t very cool at all.
I have a new practice for Goopers: It’s called “boweling”, which involves making a bowel movement directly into your hand so that the practitioner can then eat said BM and reclaim some of your anus’s lost “natural energies”. 100% organic. Just $79.95 for our special bowel transport kit!
All of you commenters are getting the “Scharpling slide-whistle” treatment from the get-go. No fucking mercy.
This defense seemed to work well for Robert Durst!
I believe there’s a documentary that’s currently on Netflix about this...
Capitalism is also a failure, depending on how you look at it.
“University of Furtwangen”
When did they really “cover sports”? I forget who their beat writer was for the 02-03 Utah Jazz...
Where has full socialism actually been implemented? Seems the best example is Spain ‘36. Are you thinking USSR, Cuba, etc? Those don’t fit the bill at all. Point is, the status quo is not tenable. Full capitalism is untenable. And you could also argue from the other side that a lot of what happens financially in our…
The hockey ones would just all add a “-y” or “-er” to the end of all their names. “Kaner”, “Burnsy”, “Jonesy”, “Hartsy”
Flipper has got to be 1 or 2. Who is the other?
Probably viewership and thus money. People root for their schools (whether they went there or not). The players cycle thru every 3-4 years and they keep watching and rooting and buying crimson-colored merch with a big “A” on it. I would love to see it happen and big-time CBB/CFB die off, but you likely won’t get…
Incredible headline. BRAVO!
Yeah, he donated $30 for the item that someone else had donated for free.