
Someone cross-post this to Jezebel where they seem to believe that women never, ever, ever do this.

Most people are inclined to believe what fits with their beliefs.

All I can think watching that GIF is “Theorizing that one could fast travel within his own lifetime, Dr. Link Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap Accelerator...and vanished”

There is video.

Try being the servicing dealer, and having to explain to your customer(s) that your technicians have fixed their car, by drilling a damn hole in it.

Pointing out irony ironically? You’ve reached peak hipster.

You won’t believe what hipsters are doing now?

A mid-engine supercar with a 3.5l twin-turbo V6 and a top speed of about 217 mph?

Zoom and flip!

Maybe he saw a mysterious video 7 days ago, got a phone call and was just trying to preemptively deal with that girl.

And sometimes with one another.

Toolbox of Dildos is the name of the new Goo Goo Dolls album.

Ride-sharing companies are afraid of background checks because:

She is a time traveler. She is actually a member of the James gang. That photo was taken in 1868.

Seriously, Civil War era photos are clearer.

or...and hear me out... not use lyft?

That’s not a hot take. It is a reasonable take. “Hot take” =\= “take I disagree with.” The Pats are hateable, and glowing support of a monster is a perfectly good reason to hate them more.

Yet another reason to despise the New England Scoundrels

I’m surprised you spelled most of those words correctly.