Hot Cross Puns

Because thats what his familys original name was.
Its ok to make fun of things people were born with as long as you dont like them! That is the culture of left wing acceptance.

Except she was a fully grown and well-educated adult in a position of power, and she abused that power to harm the black community. Reminding people of that is nothing like reminding someone of something they did when they were a toddler.

I feel for your loss, sincerely, but why is killer or criminal not a strong enough word in the first place?

You asked, after I stated that its not like they are independent of eachother:

I remember the 90s. I remember Bill Clinton’s Sister Souljah moment. I remember Bill Clinton flying back to Arkansas to personally supervise the execution of a black man so mentally compromised he asked to save the dessert from his last meal for later. You can contextualize Hillary Clinton’s super-predator remarks by

Clinton promised she’d stop receiving funds from private prison lobbies linked to GEO and CCA in 2015. Source

Being repeatedly told what is the best (or only) choice for you but disagreeing with that choice (even when other great choices are lacking) is a hard place to be. I think it’s reasonable for people who dont like her policies to respond this way to the candidate that has been loudly and widely touted by many as having

You’re coming off as willfully ignorant, tbh.

Jezebel also refuses to address issues with Hillary like Haiti, Honduras, and her strong encouragment of fracking overseas (especially in Bulgaria) while she was Secretary of State. In fact, the only people regularly calling her on it are Mother Jones and the Intercept (with WaPo surprisingly going after her for Haiti

Yet your dumbass would be up in arms (and justifiably so) if Trump, Cruz, or Sanders had said that racist condescending shit. How does it feel to not have principals and only be a political hack.

This sounds a lot like when people tell Black americans to get over slavery because it happened so long ago. The 90's weren’t that long ago, and there are a lot, A LOT of people who suffered as a result of this bill and are STILL SUFFERING. Mass incarceration of blacks never stopped mattering. It didn’t stop

Mediaite, lol. Anywho, even mediaite recognizes:

They’re protesting that and the fact that, even though she promised to stop receiving funds from private prison lobbies last year, she didn’t.

Bill apologized for it until he defended it today so that “apology” is meaningless.


This should be a stark reminder that Hillary and her husband are just gussied up neo-liberals who will drop minority rights and justice like a hot potato once they get into office. Tell me again why you “have to” vote for Hillary? Preferably something that doesn’t involve “she’s not [slightly more right-wing