
Russell Wilson: the fuckin’ cheeseball that won’t quit.

I can taste MLS fanboy tears. So sweet.

The silent vindication I feel whenever I see clubs sign guys I found in FM years ago...

All jobs I’ve ever worked for made me agree to certain codes of conduct regardless of if I agreed with them or not. If I wanted to work there, didn’t matter my stance on their guidelines. They make the rules. They’re my employer. Playing professional sports should be no exception. Gay. Straight. Liberal. Conservative.

It was only a matter of time. Toys R Us has devolved into subhuman Target/Walmart levels. The ones in Stockton and Modesto, CA need to be carpet bombed back into the stone age.

Lane went 11-3 after they went 3-9 the previous 3 seasons.

1. Child Rapists

The rest of the world isn’t the PC over-reactionary our beloved United States is. I’m an Italian...look at what Japanese people did with stereotyping when they created Mario Brothers. Mustached Italian plumbers who love nothing more than spaghetti. They even have characters called “goombah’s” which alone is a racial

Real question; why wait for a wrongful termination lawsuit?

He did/does pre and post game analysis for the A’s local Bay Area affiliate. Pretty sure he had no connection to the other clubs you’ve mentioned. With all the stupid people alive nowadays, wouldn’t be a hard parallel.

This guy...

Nothing makes me smile more than watching Milan slide further and further down the toilet.

So it’s the NFL’s responsibility now to make social change in communities and not our government’s? $100m is a lot of money and I’m sure there are plenty of other social justice warriors who’d appreciate it. The NFL can only help with awareness.

There was a certain nostalgia factor with me and ESPN. Waking up early (West Coast) to watch all the pregame stuff from Berman and Tom Jackson etc. Berman was a terrible broadcaster but I loved him on Sunday mornings.

I wonder if Tom Ley is a democrat.

With movies like this being shat out on a regular basis...

“37 years old is TOO old” said nobody in MLS...ever.

Is that not how their eyes look though? I’m confused.

Sounds like another victim of the Korean internet cafe.