
Congratulations, Damon. It’s people like yourself who are going to get Trump reelected.

Female division HQ commanders. I seriously laughed out loud at that.

Welcome to Europe. Personally, I laughed when I read the FIGC was going to do this because I knew it would accomplish nothing.

What the hell did you trade Jay Buhner for?!? He had 30 home runs, over 100 RBIs last year, he’s got a rocket for an arm, you don’t know what the hell you’re doin’!!

What the hell did you trade Jay Buhner for?!? He had
30 home runs, over 100 RBIs last year, he’s got a rocket for an arm. You
don’t know what the hell you’re doin’!!

What the hell did you trade Jay Buhner for?!? He had 30 home runs, over 100 RBIs last year, he’s got a rocket for an arm. You don’t know what the hell you’re doin’!!

You’re obviously unfamiliar with Serie A ultras...

Also funny how he was crying like a child at the beginning of his video then tried to act like a hardass. That OG would’ve beat the Mountain Dew out of him.

Streamers: the worst mankind has to offer since the Nazis.

Deer meat, sourced from New Zealand, in a sandwich at Arby’s...

The Witch on Amazon...and also Fire in The Sky has to be out there somewhere.

Let me guess, you really don’t care about her spitting on someone else right? You’ll just dismiss her calling an airline attendant a “fucking faggot”, right?

Here it comes; Mike McCarthy is racist!

I just noticed my uncle Frankie looks like Bruce Arena. Uncle Frankie didn’t suck at his job though.


My friends and I have been LOVING this. We held out hope the PVP would be good and we are all pleased.

I’m guessing you’re one of the Soccer Bros who wanted Klinsmann out too.

33 years old. Born and raised in California.

Props to Brendan.

*Takes girl out on a date*