
He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

It did seem a little odd that he didn’t at least have the sense to jump out of his car and furiously sweep the path with his curling broom.

What if your boss then asked “Just what do you think you’re doing, Dave?”

The returner did Nazi her coming.

Title NEIN

So this is the actual text from the report:

But it was all the other women who took it on the chin.

Another take: Rickon is a fucking idiot, who threw away the chance for Ned Stark’s only legitimate, non-magic son to rule because he didn’t know how to run serpentine.

I think the issue is not that life is so utterly rare, or that intelligent life is so utterly rare. I think the issue is one of transcendence and of the mindset to achieve it. In otherwords, we're not seeing ETI blazing across the universe because its not socially acceptable for us to see ETI blazing across the