
This is great, no matter what you get a “story”. Either security fails and Jason Sudeikis creates a “dangerous situation” by legally hiring a process server who actually displays credentials to get past security to do their work or security fails by not knowing the parents of someone they are guarding and asks for

If someone were to show you receipts proving that the current state of civil rights in the U.S. were actually deliberate strategy on the part of the Mainstream DNC to energize Progressive support for Centrist candidates without actually moving the ball any further forward than it was under Obama’s first term...

Tyler: “I expected this ad as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west,”

Thank god Capitalism exists to anticipate demands and allocate resources.

None of us are ever likely to know what happened between OW and Pugh, OW and LeBouff, OW and Sudeikis, or OW and Pine & Styles.

“We don’t think you fight fire with fire best; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism. We’ve stood up and said we’re not

While I do not think the kids were “legit” molested, I have ZERO problem believing Spears or Haddish were fundamentally sociopathic in their desire to get (or in Spear case “re get”) some fame.

he thinks he has a decent face.

how about instead of an article on a famous split instead something like an article about how the largest advocacy group for women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and immigrants is the AFLCIO.

I dunno if this is headcanon or something I actually heard Prince say or was quoted as saying but I think it amounted to Prince rejecting discussion of him as a “king of pop” either because he considered himself a rock musician or that he was bigger than pop. I have no clear recollection and I’m half convinced this is

The only thing this proves is that melanin doesn’t prevent people from being CHUDS, or FUDS. I would also not be shocked if 1/3 of “black twitter” here is just white people doing digital blackface and another third are black edgelords/lasses.

I laughed at the photo you ran with, probably most did. But the article isn’t a hit piece and it’s the sole photo representing the vent and it’s out front.

“but us older folks just call it ‘we ain’t doing that shit.’” he said.”

Federalize driving rights. This dildo likely evaded justice because of the complexities of being registered in another state. There should be one plate and ID registration system.

Reverse the gun control argument on this subject: Federal background checks exist for firearms because they know people travel between

This is 100% true. But the city isn’t particularly responsible in the ways described by the plaintiff. The city isn’t going against any established urban planning logic, there isn’t a policy cited that they failed regarding street construction, etc.

p.s. the other side of this coin of stereotyping by vehicle is mostly non-whites in muscle cars or on Harley type bikes are often the best. My friend just moved to rural-ish Indiana and there is a large community to black dudes on bikes and the expected Indiana shit is there but nobody, even racist whites, seems to

If you think you’re moving to a “liberal utopia” because a sitcom depicted it that way you should research their local economic policies.

It’s going to be a hybrid but paired to a Garvin 12 rotor boat Wankel so you don’t accidentally fuck around and get any fuel economy.

hey lawdog, it’s called hit and run. Determining fault is also not done by the people involved in a collision.

jfc even outlaws stop and settle business like humans before agreeing not to call the insurance companies.

There are some serious kits for the home enthusiast that have full carbon suspended frames, both cadence sensing (pedal power) and throttle, with larger batteries, and while a sensible person will stick with this power range for a motor the Baofeng 750 (peak 1000) watt motor also fits in the same spot and can lead to