
Support non commodified non commercial art if you don’t like to see profit prioritized like that. People can be free to be highly ethical creatures if being rich or poor isn’t a factor. “They” are a mathematical equation designed to pay dividends to shareholders.

/side note, Batgirl is reportedly so bad it would harm

Capitol is generating wealth from investments and the labor of others through controlling means of production. Piker has a retirement Roth IRA, and is primarily self employed.

Maybe you’re conflating being anti consumerist with being anti-Capitalist?

It used to be the annual fee was so low, I think well below $100 a year even into the 90's relative to the cost of just one service call like a tow or a jump. And at least back then when I used the service it actually was basically as quick as dealing directly with the tow or salvage operator.

If you believe someone is less likely to use racist language, in a mean not-nice way even, towards a nationality or ethnicity they share ancestry & blood with then You Don’t Have Jewish Friends. (I have eyes and ears, every group does this, lets be real. But as a Jew I can speak authoritatively about how we do)

Her statement does NOT help. What she’s falling back on is “I did it to earn money/offset the cost of the plane”. Well I’m pretty sure Dakota Access only did their thing to make money too. This is a shit excuse.

At the same time, even a top level individual polluter like Tay Tay here is insignificant compared to just

They should promise a lot more since nobody alive today will ever actually see a PS5 for sale.

Those nations, or the citizens within them, do in fact need to do a revolution...but then so do we. And we are the most heavily armed civilian populace on Earth, with the largest volunteer military and thus far we’ve been diverted by consumerism and infighting.

If we’re comparing fabricated moral tales sold as nonfiction then how does this novel stack up against The Bible?

They just look poorly fabricated and installed. That’s all I can think about.

My “favorite” hot take was someone Tweeting at 1st Ave “You used to be so cutting edge!”


What does it say about Obama that people were more surprised at his post-Presidential appearance on Desus & Mero than his in-office appearance on WTF?!?

Whenever the U.S. accepts emigrees or refugees the powers that be need to sell it to the populace. This requires an enemy that reinforces current U.S. foreign or domestic policy agenda.

I’m advocating for not counting on support that, evidence and current affairs demonstrate, is not at all guaranteed or even likely.

After four incidents of menacing and trespass and a fifth where I was punched upon opening my front door, and an email exchange with a city attorney who confirmed that while my local police were on a 1st name basis with my attacker and his partner over a two year period of this not a single document had been filed and

It’s on us every time we let them get away with this bullshit. When someone lies to our face, and does not even offer us the dignity of giving a good lie and we take it again and again and do nothing but talk...well wtf do we thing we deserve if not that?

Is your pain and history even real if it can’t be commodified and sold back to you?

Cops are useless. If you think your neighbor is being murdered go next door and help them or go door to door until you find someone who will.

Roger Waters should make his case for why he’s more important than contemporary acts. Is it because he told Zuckerberg to fuck off? That was cool and all but...

I am literally an old white man, I’m aware of my own generational and cultural biases. I’m also problematic in my own, thoroughly rationalized by me, ways.