
Ugh oh dear. Listen, there’s nothing to feel guilty about if you drop him - he’s being very pushy and it isn’t appropriate in the least. At least you’re all right physically, that’s good.

I’m “friendly” with a couple of exes but that’s mostly because they live in different states and friendliness basically consists of liking social media posts. Otherwise it’s not something I’m interested in doing.

Watermelondreas unite!

That’s quite a comment from someone who has an accent on her name which would make it pronounced sim-own-ay. Pretty sure most people don’t get to pick their name. I definitely wouldn’t be named what I am named if that was the case.

ugh i’m sorry babes. i’ve totally been there, i happen to also be a queer woman with a high sex drive so i know those feels. online dating can be really tough and it’s totally fine to decide it’s not for you or to take a break. i’ve noticed that i do the best with it when i can treat it almost totally dispassionately,

I enjoy both in different ways. I’m capable of liking more than one actress at a time.

The cake-sitting will never be forgotten.

I’m just gonna take this opportunity to remind everyone to watch “United States of Tara.” So, so good. So much excellent Brie Larson-ing.

Not to defend her- but I know I’m guilty of staring at childless women. Generally in wistful jealousy. My husband and I have decided to treat moms of kids 10 and under like they’re mildly brain damaged. It seems to work.

She was jealous of your awesome style. That's all!

As a teacher, I can see a lot of this strangeness going on. I also know that, while some parents are crazy (to the point of messing up their kid’s mental health), there are a ton of wonderful, kind, great ones out there.