
I hated it as an athlete. The only people who ever did anything were the ones who already very physically active. And you really have to watch yourself, because such a wide range of skill and effort makes for a good way to get hurt.

Gym class was the worst!! I was a straight A student except fo the D, I got in PE. I went to elementary school in the 1980s and we all were supposed to pass the “Presidential Fitness Challenge”. What a terrible idea that was! I typically placed last, except for the flexibility stuff, where I oddly kicked ass. Still,

I hated PE too. However, my dislike was due to it simply being “recruitment” for the football coaches. The vast majority of time, we played sports that kids could already play for the school: football, basketball, hockey (floor-not-ice).

If Savannah sincerely wanted a balanced interview, she should have questioned this kid the same way women and girls have been questioned for their choices, especially by the Catholic Church!

1) Razors “designed and marketed” for shaving the balls and shaft (and ass crack) “Extra attention to design for your sensitive regions”

That is EVERY Friday night in our house. That is Friday night supper. Minus the wine, which I find sour, unless it’s good champagne. A good Scotch, some olives, salami, a nice baguette, 2 or 3 cheeses, peach or plums, some fig jam. The evening is complete.

Discussing the similarities between a nun’s habit and a burqa is now top of my conversation list for next family Easter/Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner.

It sounds like Average Anna has a pretty good time until she gets married and has kids.  That was obviously her mistake.

Me: Jesus Christ.

I’ve done okay on Poshmark—about $240 in sales. You either have to post really expensive/high-end stuff OR sell things for cheap. I have gotten rid of a bridesmaid dress (I bought it on eBay to cut it up and use the fabric to make a wrap to go with the dress I had in the same color, but it turns out it was mislabeled

I think it was some Pizza Hut.... they're only a half step up from Little Caesar's nasty pizza.

Feeding your pet eels whole pizzas?  That’s a moray!

But I bet being alone with a salad is the only time she laughs.

“This new Game of Thrones promo is terrible. The white walkers don’t speak english!"

Wait. I could so go for this. This might be the only reason I would move to America. I can’t have kids, so this is basically a state mandate for me to sit at home with MANY dogs eating cake and embroidering FUCK THE PATRIARCHY all week.

“White women don’t have the history, or the baggage of growing up with visible body hair, so their announcement of it, or political positionality of it, seems insincere.”

Huh. I ( a white woman of WASP/German extraction, since getting all the way down to the 23andMe of it all seems to be relevant) seem to have

I’m whiter than white. I’m always the palest person in the room. I don’t tan, I just burn and peel. My skin has the same colour as creatures who’ve evolved in caves without sunlight for thousands of generations. My body hair is pitch black and plentiful. Since I’m the ideal candidate for laser hair removal, I had some

whenever I hear that figure I always wonder WHO THE FUCK HAS THAT MUCH DISPOSABLE INCOME? My husband and I work full time and earn decent salaries but we live in a very expensive area and have student loans.