I mean, at least she doesn’t have the same center parted straight extensions look as all the other women in these pictures. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still horrible, but at least it’s a different kind of horrible.
In all seriousness when I saw that photo I was like ‘what is Tara Reid doing there?’ oops.
That JLo “tree” pic is all about the booty, and we know it, JLo. WE ALL KNOW IT.
What an egotistical jerk. I would totally not call him again after the sex.
When my grade 2 class went on a trip to the school library for the first time, the librarian asked if anyone in the class could do the splits. One girl could, and demonstrated for us. The librarian told us that leaving a book open and face down all day is the same as asking a person to do the splits all day. This was…
typically? in cookie jars both figurative and literal.
Based on the image, and Iowa, I genuinely thought this was going to be about a corn/banana mixup, like some officials used a banana toy to represent an ear of corn and caused some outrage. Life in my imagination is much simpler and gentler than reality, I suppose.
This is how journolists need to deal with Rump. Stop covering everything he says. You can easily cover the President without ever talking about him except in general terms.
ok, 2 things
If hes gonna continue this surprise bullshit we should just dub it the Without Consent tour.
Years ago, I was watching a mastectomy of a transman. The before photo of the nipple was censored but the post-surgery nipple was not. It was the exact same nipple, but less breast tissue and fat behind it, and suddenly it was acceptable to show on TV. -__-
yea, wouldn’t want to offend anyone as you apply puritanical dumbass arbitrarily sexist guidelines to your soon-to-be defunct shitpost blog site
If we women are just too dangerous, then maybe the men need to stay at home where it is safe and not venture out into the world without a chaperone to protect their virtue.
The only thing I could think of was “I know I’m but just a peasant, but even I know what quality products look and feel like.”
Uh duh, people assume if they’re paying over a hundred dollars on shoes that they’ll be of good quality. And if you pay someone to pretend to know about fashion, they’re gonna do their best to pretend to know about fashion.
Feeling schadenfreude for the shod-in-fraud.
Here’s my thoughts. You have every right in this country to say what you want to say and believe what you want to believe. But, you cannot control how people will react to you. You can’t have the freedom to say what you want and then also a guarantee for people to agree with you or not argue with you. That’s not how…
“It’s just an inconvenience for them to have that baby.” Like....yeah. You’re not free to make decisions for just yourself for 9 months. Your body changes pretty drastically. If you don’t want to deal with that, you don’t have to.