The pizza was on a side table and wasn’t even Papa John’s! Sadly, this is very American albeit indicative of exactly what is wrong with this country, it is no less very American!
The pizza was on a side table and wasn’t even Papa John’s! Sadly, this is very American albeit indicative of exactly what is wrong with this country, it is no less very American!
I cleaned out my closet prior to her debut and listed items on Poshmark. (Is it really just an app for people to “brag” about their clothing?!) I’m trying it out for the month of January but it seems to require more effort than it’s worth. I guess this does not bode well for me to take my items to consignment if…
And linked below that Were those children drunk at Frat parties?
Um...but...wait... send her back ‘home’ for a lengthy visit! And yes, folks are debating the validity of the polling results but “The government has been quick to question the Reuters survey, but India has no reason to gloat - a look at the official crime statistics for 2016 shows a woman was raped every 13 minutes;…
I’ve seen a couple postings about banks accepting applications for low interest* loans to help out furloughed employees. I get remarkably frustrated and sad at this. Yeah, going further into debt when you are unemployed is a great idea. Also, if the government paid folks a living wage wouldn’t they have the recommended…
Safe enough for me to google how that’s done?! Or can I just ask you what that entails?
Over 40 here, never married but recently living with S.O. I have no desire to date if the current situation doesn’t work out. I’d spent the last 15 years living alone and actually find myself second guessing my decision to cohabitate. Sure, I’d seek out the occasional companionship from a gent that appreciates an older…
That is the best time of year to go out in public, because there is NO public! Sports bar and grills excluded, of course.
Something along the lines of Tommyknockers (Trumpyknockers?!)
Del Taco near me closed and re-opened as a Starbucks. Of which there were a handful already in a couple mile radius...
I admit, I quit eating there after these commercials came out!
Also, I miss Jatbar so so much!
If Olive Garden (in the Bay Area) averages three star reviews then anything I’m interested in eating based on Yelp is probably going to be skeptical at best. I, too, just used it to find places within a certain radius and have turned to google maps for that recently.
That’s entirely too much mid-part, stick-straight hair, Ladies!
YES! I saw the pic and the headline and freaked out a bit. I used OB until I recently discovered Cora, which are organic 100% cotton!
I have a side gig with an interior designer/florist and he decorates many houses and puts up trees for the wealthy in Woodside, CA. It pays very well and is super fun (tear-down; not so much). At least Busy is not claiming she did this herself and @s those who deserve the credit.
View of the parking lot in the balls?!
All babies are an inconvenience, by definition! If Becky doesn’t think so, I’d advise she take on the “convenience” of raising the offspring of the victim and the rapist.
Can’t I get Postmates to do that? Me and the sister wives can’t break away from the brood long enough for pharmacy tourism.