Hostile Bed Frame

Huh? I'm watching Season One on Amazon and I'm fairly certain the second is there.
EDIT: Nevermind, I just realized you meant free to stream.

*ragtag band of survivors brood aimlessly in a penitentiary yard for 97 straight episodes*

As a guy who works in Information Tech and could probably be considered a "hacker", I'm glad Mann decided to eschew the ridiculous Hollywood graphical user interfaces that are so common in these movies. I haven't seen Blackhat yet but I hope there's a scene of some guy opening a bland puTTY terminal in Windows 7 to

You guys aren't giving this the credit it deserves. The title refers to Christian Grey and the many layers of his tortured psyche. He's complicated, you see. He isn't what he appears to be.

Hey lil man with Jumanji chemicals, oh mamma I'm sure of! a hemmina hemminow!!!!

That would be pretty rich coming from a guy who wears checkered suits with bowties and talks in a hardboiled jazzy lilt.

For a second there I was questioning my grasp on reality.

"It’s hard as a comic to not spend your life pointing out stupid nonsense"

Nothing turns me off more than a boring, unimaginative and blandly functional title:

Watched the first three eps and I'm hooked now.

I just remembered there was a Simpsons movie. I have to get around to watching that.

It was my pleasure

I didn't say Jews control Hollywood, I said they are the majority in the academy. This article was written with the assumption that it is white males that hold the reins on these Oscar decisions, and it simply isn't true. The entire thing is disingenuous and dishonest.

Well said.

It was a joke buddy. Reference to the Essie Davis thing.

Well I mean it's a pretty glaring error. The Academy is majority Jewish and you guys are acting like it's a Southern Baptist bloc.


I heard he's really down to Earth.

Mark Wahlberg?

I'm serious about the statistics confirming my point…are you saying that this isn't true?