The Bruce Lee scene took place as a daydream sequence in Brad Pitts head while on the roof fixing the antenna, so it was meant to be ridiculous. Enjoy that edge.
The Bruce Lee scene took place as a daydream sequence in Brad Pitts head while on the roof fixing the antenna, so it was meant to be ridiculous. Enjoy that edge.
“Brad and Leo murder some teenaged girls”
Saw it last night, and trust me....that is an extremely basic description that doesn’t capture the tone or character of the scene. The theater erupted in applause and laughter. It was a cathartic moment.
Actually, you randomly increase your honor level as you “greet” folks around town and on the road, so there is a reward of sorts. You can see the little cowboy hat icon with a + appear on the right side of the screen from time to time. I say “randomly” now because I haven’t been able to determine if there’s a game…
My 7yo daughter and I have read RollerGirl by Victoria Jamieson twice now and it was fantastic!
Who knew Jon Stewart could play the shakuhachi? got me all excited when I saw Nintendo HB until I searched and found they’ve only ever done two in the in 2015 and one in 2016. Hope they do one for the Switch in the near future! got me all excited when I saw Nintendo HB until I searched and found they’ve only ever done two in the…
Out of stock now :-(
Out of stock now :-(
I have both consoles, but my XB1 is only used as a UHD player. That being said, I’m completely on board with your position: I would much rather have BackComp than VR (although I think it’s not dying, but slowly growing in adoption) I’m EXTREMELY jealous of MS’s dedication to ensuring more legacy games are available on…
Counterpoint, I’ve been a Sony devotee for years and decided to spring for an XB1 last year since it could also double as a UHD player, and I can’t stand the XB controller. I guess it’s all about personal preference and what you become used to.
Exactly! This is the one @seanoneal references as the 1991 Live at the SSL version that became the more radio friendly familiar one.
You are correct, no images there just reflections....the focus of the pic is to focus more on the stand he’s using. He mentions in the tweet that the stand is good for landscape mode but is a bit short for vertical.
Google translate makes it seem like he buries the lede: he casually mentions he’s working on Ikaruga for Switch but then tweeting the pic more about critiquing the stand dimensions? Then comments on the reflected images?
“Switch got a request to transplant Ikaruga from vertical screen so I got a request to transplant…
Am I the only one that doesn’t see anything on the screens except reflections? To me they appear to be completely powered off.
We’re all proud of your successful non-conformism
Occasionally a bonafide professional famous person will announce they will be live on Reddit on a particular date & time where folks are invited to pop in to “Ask Me Anything”
I remember really being into KLF at the time and still revisit them from time to time, but I’m curious: you mention 3am Eternal but the vid you link to is Last Train to Trancentral. I think this is the one you’re referring to:
Hey Shep, can you confirm this? Your link goes to a standard trilogy description with an extended trilogy image and it’s a marketplace offering not B&N. If I search B&N for the Extended edition it comes up as $119
Hey Shep, can you confirm this? Your link goes to a standard trilogy description with an extended trilogy image and…
Bought the book. I have a 6-year-old daughter and I’ve taken my responsibility very seriously. Every individual has the power to help the continuing process of making their community more accepting and tolerant. Teaching children the fundamentals out of the gate is the most important thing you can do.
You’re basically halfway through the “tutorial/prologue” section of the game. Trust me, once you run into Yen and you travel together to see the Emperor, the story proper starts rolling forward. I’ve played through twice and that’s including the 2 expansions (If I had to choose one though, Blood & Wine is far superior…