Hoser in Florida Eh?

2011 - The year Wendy’s died (for me, at least)

First off let me make it clear that I’m sensible enough to understand a difference of opinion, so you won’t find any “YOU’RE WRONG, I’M RIGHT” nonsense from me. People like what they like. But since you asked, I will share what I liked about it.

Sorry....did you mean the last one? Spectre? Because Skyfall was the one before that and it’s hard to deny it’s one of the best of the entire series. Although being sandwiched between QoS and Spectre puts it in a difficult position.

PJ Salvage Sale has ended.....single tear :-(

PJ Salvage Sale has ended.....single tear :-(

I agree about Thor...first was meh, second was the worst Marvel film to date. But if having that opinion has prevented you from seeing Thor Ragnarok.....you should reconsider. Taika Waititi made a film that actually made me like Thor again. Doesn’t take itself seriously, moves along at a great pace and is flat out

I read your comment, scrolled back up and made the mistake of sipping my coffee at the same time. I’m now wiping coffee off my monitor. You have my deepest respect.

*reads through update notes*
....single console local multiplayer support.....

If you thought DU and HE were self-indulgent, you must not have seen Death Proof. His half of the GRINDHOUSE double feature feels like complete masturbation aside from the amazing final act which is a non-stop nail-biter of a car chase.

Vespertine, Medulla and Post are in regular rotation at my house. Biophilia Live along with the great documentary When Bjork Met Attenborough get frequent spins as well. Each album has a very unique fingerprint.

He’s claiming that Avatar was shot flat and the 3D was done in post??? I thought he was going to let on that he was kidding but I guess he really thinks that.

Whenever I see a friend showing off their new TV with those awful motion effects, I always think of the live 30 Rock episode that opened with Alec Baldwin saying “Does it seem weird in here to you?....Everything looks like a Mexican soap opera.”

When I saw the red band trailer last week, I was half expecting Jon Lovitz from mid 90's SNL “Tales of Ribaldry” to comment on the randy behavior.

Just testing to see if messages require approval and if so, what the window of time is like.

"….where the movie will suddenly snap into black-and-white and then back to color again a few minutes later, for no real reason other than the fact that Tarantino thought it looked cool."

As a proud card carrying DIAA* member, I'm offended and insulted by your comment regardless of how delicious the irony may be.

I'm glad he took Luton….but by splitting the Silly vote in Harpenden, Malcolm Peter Brian Telescope Adrian Umbrella Stand Jasper Wednesday *POP* Stoatgobbler John Raw Vegetable *horse whinny* Arthur Norman Michael *squeaker* Featherstone Smith *whistle* Northcott Edwards Harris *pistol fire**WHOOP* Mason *train

Cancon requires a certain percentage of production personnel to be Canadian, so perhaps a duet with Anne Murray would've nudged it over the line.

I'm very happy to see so many upvoted comments that are positive and not taking cheap shots at her. I've lived the majority of my life being surrounded by people who either disliked her or thought she was just flat out "too weird". She is the very definition of an artist, ignoring pop culture trends and outside

To clarify, he did say "holster" not "sucker". Therefore, it's not only not homophobic, but also far more accurate to what Colbert is implying: Trump's mouth is merely a sheath for which Vladimir's c*** is placed while not in use in a subservient and non-sexual manner.

Looping stream on the adult swim site right now