
Not surprising that they’re friends. The past couple years of offensive line play have demonstrated that Carroll also doesn’t believe in safe spaces.

James Harden sucks to watch play basketball. He sucked to watch in OKC and he sucks to watch now.

Yes, and they will be offset by the other sports-writers who write about how Harden is revolutionizing the game and will be affecting draft strategy for years to come.

I have a plan I’ve dubbed “The Procedure”.

It’s incredibly disappointing to see a team with so much potential come up short year-after-year for two years.

The Philadelphia 76ers Should Blow Up The Team And Not Worry About The Short-Term Consequences

If you have all the draft picks, the other teams will eventually grow old and die. You have to think long-term, sheeple.

put it straight into my veins

“I’ve caught myself in my own zipper more than any doctor on Earth!”

Don’t forget this self-own

You don’t have to be American to be a real American hero.

Probably just should have used the japanese translation and referred to him as Shiba Inu.

No not really. I just shout my name if I’m in there and someone else comes in

Found Don’s coworker.

Always go with the middle stall. Always. 1 it means you do the business in private because everyone else is too afraid to sit next to you and leaves the bathroom for later. 2 it gives you a special edge around the office and everyone is slightly intimidated by you

Fair and balanced? Looks one of those activist judges to me.

Just buy a dang bottle of jalapeño Tabasco from the grocery store and keep it in the fridge or your desk drawer at work, for god’s sake. If you can afford weekly carryout on your lunch breaks, you can afford a bottle of Tabasco that’ll last you a month or more.


Drew has his all caps, Albert has exclamation points!

I thought ‘retiring a hack sportswriter to Italy’ was the same as ‘sending Fido to a lovely farm upstate’. Disappointed to discover that I’m wrong.