
Racism is a social phenomenon explained by cultural and social differences that construct an idea of a race, not by the actual racial difference itself, and eventually create a structure of power around those socially constructed differences that ends up opressing a certain group of people (the ones who fit into the

Thing is, those ports would be, well, portable. So for one, you have a console that, being portable, doesn’t have AAA capability as one of its selling points, and for two, even if those AAA ports are worse than what you get in PS4/XBONE, you are getting to play them on the go.

Gotta help a good kinja

Why is this comment still grey?

I know its not big, but SuperMegaBaseball 2 deserves some recognition. The first one was the best arcady sports game of the decade so far, IMO.

How tall is Ley?

Oh, you aren’t an English team going up against Barcelona. Its probably going to be 4-0, not 6-1

For the love of all that is good about the internet please make this happen.


I wouldn’t say that’s an issue, and most people didn’t have an issue with Cuphead. Even the original article that sparked the “controversy” didn’t have an issue, it was just reminding us that we need to look at styles critically and remembering where things come from. Other than that, Cuphead was universally praised.

I love how people complain about ports on the Switch as if it didn’t have at least one major original game every month of its first year. Stop complaining, more games on a new, portable console can’t be a bad thing and its not like the Switch isn’t getting new stuff.

Did Marchman inflitrate Burneko’s Kinja to write the worst take of the month here on Deadspin?

More than his pronunciation and accent, what surprises me is that he never confuses a word’s gender and conjugates verbs pretty much perfectly. Those are the two most common mistakes by English speakers.

I came here expecting a post talking about how it didn’t work properly, but ended up reading something much more important.

Infinite Warfare is the best Call of Duty of the 2010's and I’m sad it went away so quickly

Unique class: sword user, can use crossbows upon promotion. Low resistance, medium defence and speed, high skill and strength. Also, a skill that amplifies the effect of healing items.

Its funny to me that almost all of these kind of videos show at least a couple of bystanders casually talking or paying attention to the match or whatever they are at. How many of these people notice what’s going on? Do most of them notice it and just choose to ignore it or is it that the perpetrators are truly sneaky

Well, in the new Outbreak event you kinda work as both?

Jarry has a lot of talent but is so inconsistent. I think he has a good future though; 6'6" and a very good serve while being much more mobile and having better strokes than your average servebot.

Continuing my first playthrough of FFXII on PC. Thank god for remaster with an X2 speed mode.