Horst Tappert

That was always the problem with the PSP. The DS did have a lot of original games designed especially to be portable.

The concept looks great but let's hope that's not all it is: a great looking concept.

A sentence like "We won! Thanks everyone!" doesn't really work in english as well as it does in Japanese.

I really really love the visuals and the humor of this game but sadly I never much got into the gameplay.

This may be a very nice statue but I've always wondered why this assassin dude is dressed so ridiculously obvious. Should some officer of the law be on the lookout for an assassin, he'll won't need much detective skills to pick this one out from the crowd....

Higgins called. He wants Magnum back.

Even KZ1 had a superb art style, portraying a grimy and unforgiving world that makes you feel like you're just a small little soldier in a bleak and hopeless war - instead of some pumped-up macho killing aliens for fun and living. (killing entire alien armies with just one guy.... I'm so tired of that kind of "plot")

That's exactly the reason why humans can't be trusted with nuclear power. A collapsing bridge is almost too much for us to handle, let alone a nuclear meltdown that causes half a country to be irradiated for 30 years.

When you say "worth the cost" do you mean installing solar panels and wind turbines costs more than building a coal or nuclear plant? I don't see why that should be a problem? Are we still going for the cheapest way out, instead of the way that ensures a safe and healthy future?

Plants that are "safe" now, will age too - with the economy going worse every year, who is to say if we can even properly maintain nuclear plants 10 years from now? Fukushima proves that we'd rather keep a plant running for a few years even if we know it's not safe.

And stealing cars from GREAT OLD ONES in the unimaginable 12th dimension.

I hope they learned from GTAIV's faults: too linear, huge city with not much to discover, forced sidemissions, no saving during missions, and an archaic combat system... I hope they bring back the sandbox experience of the ps2 games - where you can have fun just cruising around the city completely ignoring the main

What about that Yakuza game that played in feudal Japan? With samurai and everything?

Afraid I can't offer any help. I walked around and around and talked to everyone at least 10 times in the first few opening screens of the game, but the game gave no clues at all. What's the objective? Why can't I go anywhere? How do you control the game?

Sorry I was talking euros - N games cost €50 over here, so three games would cost $214 !!

I know it's a Wii port, but even Wii games look better than this... it must have originally been a GameCube game then? It just looks and plays like a previous-previous-generation game. Maybe there is better gameplay beyond what the demo offers... but as it stands I can't see what all the hype is about.

I DO want to play paper mario, super mario, or luigi's mansion. It's just that..... the 3D effect isn't much more than a headache-inducing gimmick... and I don't really like the idea of spending $150 on just three games. Eventually I might cave in, but is that really the way Nintendo should approach their customers?

Good point. Big companies (for example, the music industry) have built their entire industry based on overpricing their product, since the consumer didn't have a choice anyway.

After reading so much about No More Heroes I downloaded the PS3 demo.... only to be utterly baffled by its crappyness. It looks like a terrible port of an ancient PS2 game.... huge textures, few and blocky polygon models, cramped spaces, I could go on....

I'm not saying it's a bad game. Just that I don't understand it... I must be getting old.