Horst Tappert

Why would I install a box between my macbook and my TV that causes all kinds of restrictions? A box that will allow only Apple-bought content?

Hm. I don't understand why windows 7 doesn't have a dedicated tablet edition? This looks like a horrible user experience, especially the Start menu with the thousands of unreadable options.

If you want an example of excruciating download times, just buy and try to play burnout paradise. It will download patches and reboot itself until this mortal world comes to an end.

I've asked it before and I will ask it again. Why is not EVERYTHING made out of Legos? The water, the rocks, the ground?

@Odoakar: But... but... why do I have to study for weeks to play a game?

You describe exactly my gaming experience with almost any kind of multiplayer game: when you just enjoy yourself, building a nice little pretty base or just walking around a bit in a multiplayer FPS, you'll be dead within 2 seconds and never know what happened.

@Mr. Tambourine Man: But there IS a search function... it's hard to use if you have no keyboard but it's there... right on top of the page...

More fragmentation of the ps3 store won't help the already nightmarish browsing experience.

@Alec: Well, the story in OOT is a bit better (imho), especially the ending. The one gripe I have with WW is that the game becomes emptier near the ending. New islands become smaller and smaller, compared to the few fantastic islands you discover in the first few hours. Also, OOT had that fantastic time-travel gimmick

It's time for Capcom vs. Horst Tappert.

Wind waker is the best zelda game. I guess gameplay-wise Ocarina of Time may be better, but that game's visuals are starting to pain the eyes.

Who is going to read a novel based on a RTS ? Kids these days...

I have the cheapest existing macbook ($800 or something) and comparing it to the most expensive macbook pro, I honestly don't see the advantage of the pro.

Same goes for the Japanese movie industry. Instead of fostering the few talents that they still have, the mainstream industry focuses on rehashing sentimental anime adaptations about schoolgirls and not much else.

@Seraphna: I liked FFXII, that game really did blow new life into the stale static world of JRPG's.

I want to make a proposal: let's call these games "Auto-battles in tunnels" instead of Final Fantasy. It's a lot more descriptive of what you get when you spend €60 on one of these 'games'.

@UnholierThanThou: Of course game companies all borrow ideas from each other. And they should. But maybe Sony is a bit TOO good at borrowing ideas from Nintendo. Just look at the MOVE and imagine it white. It's a wiimote with a silly ball on top.

@UnholierThanThou: This article describes that the 'cross' shape of the D-Pad (which sony now uses) was invented by Nintendo...