+1 not douchenozzle owner here, unfortunately still in the minority though :(
+1 not douchenozzle owner here, unfortunately still in the minority though :(
2nd owner of my 6MT Type S
+1 on all, it’s an amazing dadcar. Can you imagine the possibilities if we had the SH-AWD, though? :D
I do wish the rear seats could fold down, there’s been a few (very few) times I had odd sized items that wouldn’t fit because of it.
Yes, under one condition: they harness the extra methane gas from the increased bowel movements and put it to good use.
This is exactly what someone doing the speed limit thinks when you come up behind them. For example, “The limit is 55, I’m not gonna do any higher and get a ticket”.
Also car buyers, for the love of God, stop taking >5y loans out on cars to lower the monthly payment. 72 month loans are becoming commonplace now and I’ve even heard of 96 month as an option.
I would imagine Maldonado’s place already looked so upside down, the robbers would’ve actually cleaned it up.
Time for some full disclosure in your headlines:
Picturing this scenario in my mind has caused the keyboard to eat my lunch.
One that they pour in the blood, sweat, and tears to build themselves.
Paging Anonymous....
Wow thanks for the links! I think I’ll defnitely put those on my list, especially the Ikan. I’m thinking starting with my phone is a better idea than starting with my DSLR setup. I’ve got some great lenses and capability with that (that delicious 50mm f/1.8), but if I look for a stabilizer for that heavy setup, it’ll…
Every time I see one of these cinematic quality films I’m incredibly inspired to create my own.
So it’s really these steadicam/Movi/easy rig setups that are the key difference between these cinematic quality shots and the amateur videos shot with just the camera in hand/tripod-mounted?
How did you manage to find a photo of Sergio without his hands glued together?
Just listening to this track puts me into the stratosphere.
The manual says if the D is fully extended for more than 4 hours, you need to seek a mechanic immediately.