“how do you decide that all of the other people are the problem instead of her?”
“how do you decide that all of the other people are the problem instead of her?”
A lot of people forego eggs because of how the animals that lay them are treated.
Not doubting your story - but it’s a common misconception, and many shop owners / employees are adamant about it as policy or are simply mistaken with regard to the law. I’ve lived (and visited) multiple states where I’ve turned down a bag (simply because it’s wasteful) and have been told it’s required by law - so I…
He’s an expert on cars, actually. For example: he’s the one who discovered that they have wheels, so therefore walls work.
You are completely missing the points (and have terrible reading comprehension skills).
And we all know that everyone reads every single thing on every single menu at every single restaurant they go to, every single time - right?
Interestingly, everything I find online about it says there are no state laws requiring alcoholic beverages to be bagged upon purchase (including a few I found specific to GA)...
“Restaurants around the country have already made news by adding employee health-care charges to customer bills as their own line items.”
This is not uncommon - I’ve encountered it in many places around the US (and worked at a store that did this as well - we had bags for tall boys, regular size cans, and 40-oz bottles). The practice possibly originated with bagging glass bottles so that any glass shards would be contained if the bottle was dropped (any…
Such civility.
Idunno - has he ever claimed to be?
“No, I’m not familiar.”
So in other words, you’re not all that familiar with the history of such type shows.
A broken hatchet, then. A useless tool.
That page says to wash “hands and surfaces” (“surfaces” would be things like countertops and cutting boards) - it does not say anything about washing the meat itself.
That was my thought as well, but quick search indicates that it’s possible that “corrupt intent” (meaning the person would have to know the act was illegal) may be a requirement for such a charge: