Congrats to DSA President Nick Mullens
Congrats to DSA President Nick Mullens
well he does host Cumtown
I, for one, cannot believe that a bunch of commenters who are almost always the first ones to scream bloody murder about Bernie Bros being sexist and laying in wait to attack any woman running for office are now engaging in a sexist harassment campaign of a woman writer for writing an article they didn’t like. I’m…
The splinter liberals are some of the creepiest commenters in all of online.
The article you thought you read and the article Libby actually wrote are two different things. Libby got dragged hard by virtually everyone in the comments yesterday because the typical Splinter commenter gets so red and nude and mad when someone says anything remotely critical of President Obama they hallucinate.
Cum T;own
Jeez, I love you guys who come into these posts all like “Well let me tell you children the practical reasons why caring about these people who are suffering is unproductive”
Why Are Democrats Poised to Let 7 Trump-Nominated Judges Slide to Confirmation?
John McCain stans are fucking insane.
He was a terrible soldier, who was incredibly brave.
One’s politics is intrinsically part of one’s humanity, you dumb fuck. The only people who can think of politics as some abstract concept are the people privileged enough not to have to worry about being actually impacted by politics. For many people, politics is a matter of life or death, but it obviously isn’t so…
May 1 million Iraqis rest in peace.
Fuck John McCain, he was a craven piece of shit. It’s unfortunate he didn’t die sooner.
Ugggh why does this surprise you? Why wouldn’t they? I can think of at least three Splinter writers who have been guests on the podcast and another 1-2+ across the Gizmodo platform.
prefer a cupcake and a candybar
faaaaava beans
Whatever man this shit is boring, who cares?
Still waiting for you guys to cover a single episode of Cum Town.
Just Hillary. If you even whisper her name in a negative tone you conjure ten of these bleating assholes who will hound you until sundown.
She’s a known rich person, which certainly has something to do with her campaign! I also cited Mitt Romney and George HW (in the draft, realized the milk thing had been ‘debunked.’)