Big Horsey Boy

That’s easy: they’re biased against him because they, like many people still blame him for Hillary Clinton failing to make what should’ve been the easiest layup in politics and defeat Donald Trump. Also, he doesn’t worship at the alter of Barack Obama because he had the audacity to critique him for failing to deliver

i provide enough economic benefit to my employer

The most recent Cum Town reworked the theme song from “All in the Family” to be about.... well you can probably guess. I’ve been singing it to myself for days now

If the “purity test” (your words, not mine) is asking what candidate embodies the policies Americans want, and ISN’T going to do a repeat of the Clinton campaign, then it’s good and needs to happen. And also not a purity test.

Why even have a primary then? just let the party apparatchiks tell us who to vote for.

Gene’s refusal to say “Suck me, suck me very dick” because it would be disrespectful to Elvis is one of the funniest, purest things I’ve ever heard on a podcast.

That episode was a trainwreck until my man Gene showed up.

I wonder if any podcasts had Gene DiNapoli on as a guest this past week. Would be pretty sweet if they did. Yep, that would be preeeeetty sweet.

Check out “Cum Town”, an in-depth podcast about celebrities who invent hate crimes

“Electability” is a term that’s thrown around a lot and it’s essentially baseless and used to by the donor class to keep people voting for candidates in the center to center-right section of the spectrum. Donald Trump was supposedly unelectable and Hillary Clinton was supposed to be one of the most electable

He’s running his 2016 campaign again.’ Yes you dolt, because that campaign resonated with millions of people who want a better society. Groan all you want, we will take it from here. 

lol, that’s the dumbest thing ever said on this hellsite. 

Bernie would have won in 2016. You shouldn’t have voted for the vomiting old lady everyone hates who appealed to voters by praising Henry Kissinger. 

The problem with this contention is that none of those progressive rising stars are running for president. 

lol I guess you’re gonna have to get used to invoking that ‘whataboutism’ when people bring up Kamala’s record caging poor people of color. It must be difficult to back a candidate so vehemently when they have zero convictions save for “if it’s good for my career, it’s morally justified”. Bravo!

Maybe *you* need to put down the pipe. AOC beat Joseph Crowley, who was next in line after Pelosi to be the Dem speaker of the house! She’s also changing the *national narrative* on progressive taxation, the Green New Deal, and working class politics generally -- and yet you dismiss her as a “juvenile delinquent”? Do

Yeah, so Sanders has perhaps the largest proportion of PoC voter support out of any 2020 candidate, but sure, go ahead and erase them because they don’t share your centrist positions

Literally one of the biggest stories of the 2018 midterms was AoC, who went out to campaign with Sanders, who will most likely endorse

The anti-Sanders brigade is just a lot of paid-for influencers, status quo conservatives who see progress as a threat to what they have, or bootlickers. Sanders is an FDR Democrat. The liberal party of FDR died in 1992 and became the neoliberal party of Reagan, and you can tell that by their “third way” tactics and

All of the 46 year old white finance guys with Beto2020 in their bios would like to have a word with you.