Big Horsey Boy

Agreed. Even when the effects in Godzilla movies don’t look very good (almost always because of issues with budget and not any lack of talent on the filmmakers’ parts) I can appreciate the amount of talent and ingenuity that went into attempting to bring a giant monster semi-realistically to the screen.

I don’t understand your and several other posters’ assertions that Godzilla is inherently childish and worthy of mockery while having no issue (I assume) with how childish most other major sci-fi franchises like Star Wars or Transformers are.

Nope, wrong. All films fall into one of two camps in terms of goodness and coolness: they’re either a “My Dinner With Andre” or a “Chainsaw Buttfuck 6".

Good for you, you have the same taste in entertainment as a ten-year-old.

Oh, okay, cool.

What’s your definition of “a few years ago”? Because there were female suit actors working on 1995's “Gamera” reboot and in Toho’s 2001 Godzilla film.

Hannibal was a wonderful man, and I hope that, one day, his killer is brought to justice.